Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are widely used for cancer immunotherapy, yet only a fraction of patients respond. Remarkably, gut bacteria impact the efficacy of ICIs in fighting tumors outside of the gut. Certain strains of commensal gut bacteria promote antitumor responses to ICIs in a variety of preclinical mouse tumor models. Patients with cancer who respond to ICIs have a different microbiome compared with that of patients who don’t respond. Fecal microbiota transplants (FMTs) from patients into mice phenocopy the patient tumor responses: FMTs from responders promote response to ICIs, whereas FMTs from nonresponders do not promote a response. In patients, FMTs from patients who have had a complete response to ICIs can overcome resistance in patients who progress on treatment. However, the responses to FMTs are variable. Though emerging studies indicate that gut bacteria can promote antitumor immunity in the absence of ICIs, this Review will focus on studies that demonstrate relationships between the gut microbiome and response to ICIs. We will explore studies investigating which bacteria promote response to ICIs in preclinical models, which bacteria are associated with response in patients with cancer receiving ICIs, the mechanisms by which gut bacteria promote antitumor immunity, and how microbiome-based therapies can be translated to the clinic.
Francesca S. Gazzaniga, Dennis L. Kasper