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JCI Consulting Editors
Soman N. Abraham
Duke University Medical Center
John S. Adams
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Rexford S. Ahima
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Qais Al-Awqati
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Kari Alitalo
Biomedicum Helsinki; University of Helsinki
Dario C. Altieri
The Wistar Institute
Masayuki Amagai
Keio University School of Medicine
Mark E. Anderson
University of Chicago
Brian H. Annex
University of Virginia Health System
Rajendra S. Apte
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Mary Armanios
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
M. Amin Arnaout
Massachusetts General Hospital
Alan Attie
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jane E. Aubin
University of Toronto
Nilofer S Azad
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Michael F. Beers
University of Pennsylvania
Gregory K. Bergey
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Nina Bhardwaj
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Joyce Bischoff
Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
William R. Bishai
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Craig Blackstone
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Joel N. Blankson
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Bruce R. Blazar
University of Minnesota
Gerard C. Blobe
Duke University Medical Center
William A. Boisvert
University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Brendan Boyce
University of Rochester Medical Center
Jonathan Bromberg
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Frank C. Brosius
The University of Arizona
Peter A. Calabresi
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Michael J. Caplan
Yale School of Medicine
Arturo Casadevall
Johns Hopkins
Diego H. Castrillon
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Harold Chapman
University of California, San Francisco
Benjamin K. Chen
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Benny J. Chen
Duke University
Ju Chen
University of California, San Diego
Jun Chen
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Susan Cheng
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Raymond T. Chung
Massachusetts General Hospital
Thomas L. Clemens
Center for Musculoskeletal Research, John Hopkins
Thomas M. Coffman
Duke University Medical Center
Sheila Collins
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Ronald G. Collman
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Marco Colonna
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
John D Crispino
St.Jude Children's Research Hospital
Tyler J. Curiel
Dartmouth Health
Franco R. D'Alessio
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Alan Daugherty
University of Kentucky
Ted M. Dawson
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Sudhansu Dey
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Anna Mae Diehl
Duke University School of Medicine
Harry C. Dietz III
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Gianpietro Dotti
University of North Carolina
Michael L. Dustin
The University of Oxford
E. Jennifer Edelman
Yale School of Medicine
Dominique Eladari
Inserm U970, Equipe 3
Joel K. Elmquist
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Stephen G. Emerson
Haverford College
Jonathan A. Epstein
University of Pennsylvania
Adrian Erlebacher
University of California San Francisco
Joel D. Ernst
University of California, San Francisco
James M. Ervasti
University of Minnesota
Charles R. Farber
University of Virginia School of Medicine
Eric R. Fearon
University of Michigan
Anthony W. Ferrante Jr.
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Edward A. Fisher
NYU School of Medicine
Richard A. Flavell
Yale School of Medicine
Alessia Fornoni
University of Miami L. Miller School of Medicine
Martin Friedlander
Scripps Research Institute
Stephen J. Galli
Stanford University School of Medicine
Bin Gao
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIH
J. Victor Garcia-Martinez
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sharon Gerecht
Duke University
Stanton L. Gerson
Case Western Reserve University
Robert E. Gerszten
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Todd Golde
University of Florida College of Medicine
Sherita Golden
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Stanley Goldfarb
University of Pennsylvania
Fred Sanford Gorelick
West Haven VA Hospital
Kathleen J. Green
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Steven K. Grinspoon
Massachusetts General Hospital
David Hafler
Yale School of Medicine
Jonathan J. Hansen
UNC-Chapel Hill
Raymond C. Harris
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Paul M. Hassoun
Johns Hopkins University
Stanley L. Hazen
Lerner Research Institute/Cleveland Clinic
Peter Heeringa
University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen
Meenhard Herlyn
The Wistar Institute
Helen H. Hobbs
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Ronald Hoffman
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
V. Michael Holers
University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine
Steven M. Holland
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
Brent K. Hollenbeck
University of Michigan
David M. Holtzman
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Michael J. Holtzman
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Lawrence B. Holzman
University of Pennsylvania
Maureen R. Horton
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Tamas L. Horvath
Yale School of Medicine
Gokhan S. Hotamisligil
Harvard School of Public Health
Steven R. Houser
Temple University School of Medicine
Ralph H. Hruban
Johns Hopkins University
Christopher A. Hunter
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Elizabeth M. Jaffee
John Hopkins University
David James
University of Sydney
Ru-Rong Ji
Duke University Medical Center
Richard J. Jones
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
William G. Kaelin Jr.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Klaus Kaestner
University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Mark L. Kahn
University of Pennsylvania
Raghu Kalluri
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Mariana J. Kaplan
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
S. Ananth Karumanchi
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
David A. Kass
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Robert S. Kass
Columbia University
Daniel P. Kelly
University of Pennsylvania
Dontscho Kerjaschki
Medical University Vienna
Sundeep Khosla
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Richard N. Kitsis
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Steven Kliewer
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Björn C. Knollmann
Vanderbilt University
Walter J. Koch
Temple University School of Medicine
Jay K. Kolls
Tulane University
Issei Komuro
The University of Tokyo
Christopher D. Kontos
Duke University Medical Center
Murray Korc
UC Irvine
Gary Koretzky
Weill Cornell Medical College
Stavroula Kousteni
Columbia University
Rohit N. Kulkarni
Joslin Diabetes Center
Chulan Kwon
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Antonio La Cava
University of California, Los Angeles
Fadi G. Lakkis
Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, University of Pittsburgh
Terri Laufer
University of Pennsylvania
Mitchell A. Lazar
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Brendan Lee
Baylor College of Medicine and HHMI
Rudolph L. Leibel
Columbia University
Wayne I. Lencer
Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Jon D. Levine
University of California, San Francisco
Ross L. Levine
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Klaus Ley
Augusta University
Rodger A. Liddle
Duke University Medical Center
Richard M. Locksley
University of California, San Francisco
Fanxin Long
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Gary Lopaschuk
University of Alberta
Elizabeth Dawn Lowenthal
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Weibo Luo
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Leo Luznik
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Nigel Mackman
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Richard Mailman
Penn State College of Medicine
Rama K. Mallampalli
College of Medicine, The Ohio State University Medical Center
Kieren A. Marr
Johns Hopkins University
Jack Martin
St. Vincent's Institute of Medical Research
Steven O. Marx
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Marcela V. Maus
Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital
Rozalina G. McCoy
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Cornelis J. Melief
Leiden University Medical Center
Shlomo Melmed
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
George Michalopoulos
University of Pittsburgh
Jeffrey H. Miner
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Jason Miska
Northwestern University
Supriya Gupta Mohile
University of Rochester Medical Center
Peter J. Mohler
Ohio State University
Jeffery D. Molkentin
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
David D Moore
UC Berkeley
Timothy H. Moran
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Edward E. Morrisey
University of Pennsylvania
James H. Morrissey
University of Michigan Medical School
Anthony Muslin
Tectonic Therapeutic Inc.
Martin G. Myers Jr.
University of Michigan
Laszlo Nagy
Johns Hopkins University Medical School
Benjamin Neel
New York University
William G. Nelson
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Paul W. Noble
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Brian O'Rourke
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Eric N. Olson
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Harry T. Orr
University of Minnesota
Leo E. Otterbein
Harvard Medical School
Roberto Pacifici
Emory University
Ben Ho Park
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
William C. Parks
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Jonathan B. Parr
UNC School of Medicine
Warren S. Pear
University of Pennsylvania
Sallie R. Permar
New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical College
David J. Pinsky
University of Michigan
Catherine Postic
Institut Cochin Inserm U1016
Alice S. Prince
Columbia University
Louis J. Ptáček
University of California, San Francisco
Luigi Puglielli
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pere Puigserver
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Ellen Puré
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Thomas C. Quinn
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Hamid Rabb
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Marlene Rabinovitch
Stanford University School of Medicine
Daniel J. Rader
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Shahin Rafii
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Gwendalyn J. Randolph
Washington University in St. Louis
Jeffrey C. Rathmell
Vanderbilt University
W. Kimryn Rathmell
National Institutes of Health, NIH, National Cancer Institute
Jean-Pierre Raufman
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Barbara Rehermann
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH
Jochen Reiser
The University of Texas Medical Branch
Linda M.S. Resar
Johns Hopkins University
Ryan C. Riddle
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Sarah A. Robertson
The University of Adelaide
Howard A. Rockman
Duke University Medical Center
Theodora S. Ross
UT Southwestern Medical School
Marc E. Rothenberg
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Jeffrey D. Rothstein
Johns Hopkins University
Anil Rustgi
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Junichi Sadoshima
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Jose-Alain Sahel
The French National Center
Gaetano Santulli
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Akira Sawa
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Jean E. Schaffer
Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School
Philipp E. Scherer
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Jonathan P. Schneck
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Detlef Schuppan
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
Clay Semenkovich
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Jonathan S. Serody
University of North Carolina
John T. Seykora
The University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Mari L. Shinohara
Duke University Medical Center
Steven E. Shoelson
Joslin Diabetes Center
Gerald I. Shulman
Yale School of Medicine
Roy L. Silverstein
Medical College of Wisconsin
M. Celeste Simon
University of Pennsylvania and HHMI
Lois Smith
Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Akrit Sodhi
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Weihong Song
The University of British Columbia
Ashley L. St. John
Duke-National University of Singapore
Jonathan S. Stamler
Case Western Reserve University
Gregory Steinberg
McMaster University
Colin L. Stewart
Institute of Medical Biology
Doris Stoffers
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Warren Strober
National Institutes of Health
Maureen A. Su
Charlotte J. Sumner
Johns Hopkins University
D. James Surmeier
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Katalin Susztak
University of Pennsylvania
Ira Tabas
Columbia University
Alan R. Tall
Columbia University
Sakae Tanaka
The University of Tokyo
Simeon I. Taylor
University of Maryland
Victor J. Thannickal
Tulane University
Andrei Thomas-Tikhonenko
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania
Edward B. Thorp
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Georgia D. Tomaras
Duke University Medical Center
Gordon Tomaselli
The Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Peter Tontonoz
University of California, Los Angeles
Alexander C. Tsai
Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital
Laurence A. Turka
Massachusetts General Hospital
Luc Van Kaer
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
David M. Virshup
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School
Matthias von Herrath
Type 1 Diabetes Center, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology
Yisong Y. Wan
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Robert G. Weiss
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Bart O. Williams
Van Andel Institute
Marsha Wills-Karp
Johns Hopkins University
Joseph C. Wu
Stanford University School of Medicine
Thomas Wynn
Ramnik J. Xavier
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Yiping Yang
Wenzhou Medical University
Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Robert W. Yeh
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
Mone Zaidi
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Len Zon
Boston Children's Hospital
Weiping Zou
University of Michigan Medical School