Infection with the Ad5-SVR4 virus was used to introduce the large T antigen encoding region of the SV40 virus into bovine and human corneal endothelial cells. Expression of large T antigen occurred in 40% of bovine corneal endothelial cells after a 24-h incubation time versus 12% after 8 h of incubation. By 48 h after infection, almost all (92.8%) bovine corneal endothelial cells expressed large T antigen. Bovine and human corneal endothelial cells which expressed large T antigen proliferated and the characteristic morphologic features of corneal endothelium were maintained. This method may enable growth of enough corneal endothelium to perform studies to elucidate the biochemical mechanisms involved in regulating endothelial cell function.
S T Feldman, R Gjerset, D Gately, K R Chien, J R Feramisco