A method for isolating human hemoglobin messenger RNA (mRNA) from bone marrow cells was developed to investigate the molecular basis for the defect in globin synthesis in beta thalassemia. Active mRNA was isolated from the bone marrow cells and peripheral reticulocytes of patients with homozygous beta thalassemia, heterozygous beta thalassemia, sickle cell trait, double heterozygosity for beta thalassemia and sickle cell trait, as well as from a patient with normal hemoglobin synthesis but with an elevated reticulocyte count secondary to hereditary spherocytosis. The mRNA was prepared for assay in an mRNA-dependent rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system and the amount of alpha and beta globin chains synthesized was determined by carboxymethylcellulose column chromatography. The relative synthesis of alpha to beta chains in response to normal hemoglobin mRNA was found to be a function of the amount of mRNA added to the assay system: increasing the amount of mRNA led to a decrease in the alpha-to-beta-chain synthetic ratio. Therefore, assays were carried out at limiting concentrations of mRNA.
A. W. Nienhuis, P. H. Canfield, W. F. Anderson