Trypsin-activated pig plasmin and human plasmin activated by streptokinase (SK) caused aggregation of a suspension of washed platelets from human, rabbit, or pig blood. The platelet aggregation was reversible, but it was accompanied by a significant release of adenine nucleotides, serotonin, and platelet fibrinogen. Platelet fibrinogen was eventually digested. The effect of plasmin on platelets was inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor, epsilon aminocaproic acid, Persantin, prostaglandin E1, and phenylbutazone. Short treatment of platelets with plasmin enhanced their sensitivity to ADP; however, this sensitivity was lost during longer incubation with plasmin. This enzyme also made platelets less sensitive to collagen and thrombin.
S. Niewiarowski, A. F. Senyi, P. Gillies