
Using a triple-lumen constant perfusion system, we have studied ileal electrolyte transport in a patient with congenital alkalosis with diarrhea and made the following observations. First, chloride cannot be transported against electrochemical gradients, but can be readily absorbed or secreted down electrochemical gradients. Second, chloride secretion down an electrochemical gradient can be increased by raising lumen bicarbonate concentration. Third, sodium absorption does occur against electrochemical gradients and is associated with hydrogen ion secretion. Fourth, electrical potential difference (PD) between lumen and blood is near zero when lumen sodium concentration is 140 mEq/liter. Fifth, a normal sodium diffusion potential is present. Sixth, potassium is transported passively in response to electrochemical gradients.


Frederick A. Bieberdorf, Phillip Gorden, John S. Fordtran


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