Activation of the complement sequence results in conversion of the third component of complement (C′3) to an inactive product (C′3i) and the elaboration of additional fragments of smaller molecular weights and faster electrophoretic mobilities. Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of fresh synovial fluids with an anti-human C′3 antiserum disclosed in some a variable degree of conversion of C′3 to C′3i, but a more striking finding was an additional line in the α-globulin region. This faster migrating protein gave a reaction of partial identity with C′3/C′3i. With this antiserum a similar pattern developed when fresh human serum was incubated with immune complexes, or aggregated γ-globulin. The same breakdown product of C′3 was obtained by treatment of fresh human serum with Zymosan, ammonium, hydrazine, agar, or dextran. Heating serum at 56°C for 1 hr destroys the breakdown product; aging of serum produces it.
Nathan J. Zvaifler