The forces governing the movement of water across the pulmonary capillaries were studied in 39 intact, spontaneously breathing dogs. A situation favoring the net movement of water out of the pulmonary capillaries was created by means of partial pulmonary venous obstruction (left atrial balloon catheter) followed by rapid saline hemodilution. A predetermined difference between pulmonary capillary and plasma colloid osmotic pressures was maintained for periods of 1 to 2 hours. Left atrial (PLA) and plasma colloid osmotic pressures (πpl) were measured directly. The water content of the lungs was measured serially by an indicator-dilution technique, and at autopsy by drying the lungs. The rate of accumulation of lung water was measured in four groups of animals: in three of the groups, the capillary hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures were varied; in the fourth group, the right lymphatic duct was obstructed in addition.
O. Robert Levine, Robert B. Mellins, Robert M. Senior, Alfred P. Fishman