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A graphical abstract is a single schematic image that visually represents the primary findings of an article, allowing readers to easily identify the article’s main message. The graphical abstract appears at the top of the online version of the article.
An effective graphical abstract presents a clear message. Consider the following:
Consider AVOIDING the following:
Authors may upload an image file prepared according to the Journal’s figure instructions. The figure should constitute a single image, without distinct lettered parts and without a separate legend. In general, information should flow either from left to right or top to bottom. Data figures are not permitted as graphical abstracts. A schematic model figure from the article itself may be used as the graphical abstract. The following specifications are recommended:
Examples of graphical abstracts:
Furthermore, our abstracts must adhere to the Suggested Guidelines for Standardization of Visual Abstracts, which are also depicted in Table 1 of the aforementioned article:
Standard Graphical Abstract (Static Image)
A graphical abstract is a single, concise visual summary of the main findings of the article. Graphical abstracts appear on the first page of the article. In addition, if selected, they can be used to promote articles on the journals' social media feed (Twitter and Facebook), and the journals' homepage.
Template PowerPoint files are provided below as a starting point in creating your graphical abstract. Please note, you are not required to use the art provided in the PPT templates. However, authors are responsible for obtaining appropriate permissions to use any artwork from outside sources.