Heterozygous hypobetalipoproteinemia is characterized by reduced plasma concentrations of LDL cholesterol, total triglycerides, and apo B to less than 50% of normal values. The molecular basis of this disorder remains unknown. The phenotype cosegregates with a DNA haplotype of the apo B gene in an Idaho pedigree, with a maximum decimal logarithm of the ratio (LOD) score of 7.56 at a recombination rate of zero. Individuals carrying this haplotype had total cholesterol levels of 96 mg/dl, LDL cholesterol levels of 37 mg/dl, triglycerides levels of 51 mg/dl, and apo B levels of 38 mg/dl. This study strongly suggests that apo B mutations underlie hypobetalipoproteinemia, and demonstrates the power of the candidate gene approach in linkage analysis for unraveling genetic determinants in metabolic disorders of undefined etiology.
M Leppert, J L Breslow, L Wu, S Hasstedt, P O'Connell, M Lathrop, R R Williams, R White, J M Lalouel
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