Antibodies to a urea-trichloroacetic acid extract [hPTH-(TCA)] of human parathyroid tumors and to the synthetic NH2-terminal fragments of human parathyroid hormone hPTH-(1-12) and -(1-34) were developed in goats to characterize immunochemically various PTH preparations and to estimate immunoreactive PTH (iPTH) in human sera. They were quantitated on the basis of their capacity to bind [131I]-hPTH-(1-12), [131I]hPTH-(1-34) or [131I]bovine PTH (bPTH-(1-84)). The quality of the antibodies was assessed by reference to inhibition of their interaction with labeled peptides by synthetic hPTH comprising 34 NH2-terminal amino acid residues or fragments thereof [hPTH-(1-12), -(13-34), -(18-34), -(25-34), -(18-24)] or by the Sephadex G-100-purified full-length peptide hPTH-(1-84) [hPTH-(1-84)G-100]. The synthetic peptides used in this work correspond in their structure to the NH2-terminal amino acid sequence 1-34, as elucidated by Brewer and collaborators (1972. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.69: 3583-3588). Inhibition studies were also carried out with bPTH-(1-34) and bPTH-(1-84). Anti-hPTH-(TCA) exhibited specificities directed to determinants in the COOH-terminal and NH2-terminal part of hPTH-(1-84) and exhibited cross-reactivity with bPTH-(1-84). Anti-hPTH-(1-34), on the other hand, showed immunological specificities mainly directed to antigenic determinants located in the COOH-terminal half of hPTH-(1-34). In addition, some reactivity with the NH2-terminal hPTH-(1-12) and with the extractive full-length peptides of human and bovine origin was observed. Antibodies to hPTH-(1-12) cross-reacted with hPTH-(1-34) and -(1-84)G-100.
Jan A. Fischer, Ulrich Binswanger, Felix M. Dietrich
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