The mechanisms of hemoglobin precipitation into Heinz bodies and hemolytic anemia that characterize congenital Heinz body hemolytic anemia (CHBHA) were studied in patients with the unstable hemoglobins, Köln (β-98 valine → methionine) and Hammersmith (β-42 phenylalanine → serine). The cysteines in the 93rd position of the β-chains of CHBHA hemoglobins bound glutathione excessively in mixed disulfide linkage. The resulting diminished “free” GSH within the cell accelerated hexose monophosphate shunt metabolism. The unique precipitability of CHBHA hemoglobins when heated at 50°C could be induced in normal hemoglobin A by artificially blockading its sulfhydryl groups with paramercuribenzoate (PMB).
Harry S. Jacob, Michael C. Brain, John V. Dacie
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