This photograph was taken at the APSA Leadership Retreat in Chicago, Illinois (June 2015). Front row (left to right): Brandon Fox (Membership Chair), Hsiang-Chun “Jimmy” Chang (Fundraising Chair), Jaimo Ahn (APSA Board Member), Stephanie Brosius (Public Relations Chair), Jillian Liu (Events Chair), and Alexander Adami (President-Elect). Back row (left to right): Eric Schauberger (APSA Board Member), Susan Wagner (APSA Executive Director), Daniel DelloStritto (President), M. Kerry O’Banion (APSA Board Member), Alex Dussaq (Technology Chair), and Jennifer Kwan (Policy Chair). Not pictured: Peter Mittwede (Vice President), Joshua Cohen (Partnerships Chair), Michael Guo (Past President), Moshe Levi (Chair of the APSA Board), and APSA Board Members Hans Arora, Lawrence (Skip) Brass, Dania Daye, David Engman, Shwayta Kukreti, David Markovitz, and Kofi Mensah.