Hemodynamic shear forces are intimately linked with cardiac development, during which trabeculae form a network of branching outgrowths from the myocardium. Mutations that alter Notch signaling also result in trabeculation defects. Here, we assessed whether shear stress modulates trabeculation to influence contractile function. Specifically, we acquired 4D (3D + time) images with light sheets by selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) for rapid scanning and deep axial penetration during zebrafish morphogenesis. Reduction of blood viscosity via
Juhyun Lee, Peng Fei, René R. Sevag Packard, Hanul Kang, Hao Xu, Kyung In Baek, Nelson Jen, Junjie Chen, Hilary Yen, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Neil C. Chi, Chih-Ming Ho, Rongsong Li, Tzung K. Hsiai
Fluorescent light sheets to image cardiac morphogenesis.