Cellular metabolism is increasingly recognized as a controller of immune cell fate and function. MicroRNA-33 (miR-33) regulates cellular lipid metabolism and represses genes involved in cholesterol efflux, HDL biogenesis, and fatty acid oxidation. Here, we determined that miR-33–mediated disruption of the balance of aerobic glycolysis and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation instructs macrophage inflammatory polarization and shapes innate and adaptive immune responses. Macrophage-specific
Mireille Ouimet, Hasini N. Ediriweera, U. Mahesh Gundra, Frederick J. Sheedy, Bhama Ramkhelawon, Susan B. Hutchison, Kaitlyn Rinehold, Coen van Solingen, Morgan D. Fullerton, Katharine Cecchini, Katey J. Rayner, Gregory R. Steinberg, Phillip D. Zamore, Edward A. Fisher, P’ng Loke, Kathryn J. Moore