SI HIV-1 clones isolated from CD45RA+ and
CD45RO+ CD4+ T cells are
phenotypically and evolutionarily indistinguishable. (a)
Coreceptor usage of SI clones isolated from CD45RA+
and CD45RO+ CD4+ T cells from
ACH171 and ACH490. Virus clones were pooled from the time points in which SI
clones were obtained from both subsets (10.5, 19.5, and 27 months for ACH171
and 4.4, 19.2, and 25.1 months for ACH490). Bar descriptions are as in
Figure 3. (b) Pairwise hamming distances were calculated
between clones obtained from CD45RA+
CD4+ T cells (RA vs. RA), between clones obtained
from CD45RO+ CD4+ T cells (RO
vs. RO), and between clones isolated from CD45RA+ to
clones from CD45RO+ CD4+ T
cells (RA vs. RO). Uncorrected hamming distances between each pair of
sequences were calculated and are depicted in a box plot as described in
Figure 5.