Colchicine reduces the pericentriolar distribution of G-6-PDase. LPS-stimulated cells from nonpregnant (a–i) and pregnant (j–r) women were studied using direct immunofluorescence in conjunction with microscopic imaging and spectrophotometry. Cells were fixed, then stained with FITC-conjugated anti–γ-tubulin and TRITC-conjugated anti–G-6-PDase. The properties of γ-tubulin (a, d, and g) and G-6-PDase (b, e, and h) and RET (c, f, and i) between these labels were not significantly affected by colchicine or cytochalasin D in control neutrophils. However, colchicine (m–o) caused the G-6-PDase to become more uniformly distributed within pregnancy cells and reduced the amount of RET (o). n = 5. ×560.