G-6-PDase accumulates near the centrosome in neutrophils from pregnant women. Cells from nonpregnant (NP) (a–h) and pregnant (P) (i–p) women were studied using direct immunofluorescence. Experiments were performed without (a–d, i–l, and r) and with (e–h, m–p, and s) prior incubation with LPS (50 ng/ml, 20 minutes). Cells were fixed, then stained with FITC-conjugated anti–γ-tubulin and TRITC-conjugated anti–G-6-PDase. Although γ-tubulin and G-6-PDase did not colocalize (b, c, f, and g) or exhibit RET (d and h) in control neutrophils, both colocalization (j, k, n, and o) and RET (l and p) were found in maternal neutrophils. RET was confirmed using fluorescence spectroscopy in r and s. FITC and TRITC controls are shown in q. Thus, G-6-PDase accumulates near the centrosome of neutrophils from pregnant, but not nonpregnant, women. n = 9. ×550.