Niels C. Riedemann, Ren-Feng Guo, Thomas A. Neff, Ines J. Laudes, Katie A. Keller, Vidya J. Sarma, Maciej M. Markiewski, Dimitrios Mastellos, Christoph W. Strey, Carl L. Pierson, John D. Lambris, Firas S. Zetoune, Peter A. Ward
(a) In vivo binding of 125I-αC5aR to organs 0, 3, 6, and 12 hours after CLP. Binding is expressed as the ratio of cpm per g organ to cpm in 100 μl blood from each animal, obtained 15 minutes after intravenous injection of 125I-αC5aR. (b) In vivo binding of 125I-labeled rabbit IgG to similar organs expressed similarly to the data in a. Data are representative of three to six animals for each time point. *Statistical significance in treated groups when compared with control animals.