Duarte C. Barral, José S. Ramalho, Ross Anders, Alistair N. Hume, Holly J. Knapton, Tanya Tolmachova, Lucy M. Collinson, David Goulding, Kalwant S. Authi, Miguel C. Seabra
Expression of Rab27a and Rab27b in melanocytes and platelets. Platelets from wild-type (C3H/He+/+), homozygous (ash/ash), and heterozygous (+/ash) ashen mice and a melanocytic cell line (melan-a) were lysed, and identical amounts of protein (13 μg) from total lysates (for platelets) or postnuclear supernatants (for melan-a cells) were subjected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting as described in Methods. Monoclonal anti-Rab27a Ab, 4B12 was used to probe Rab27a (a) and affinity-purified polyclonal anti-Rab27b Ab S086 to probe Rab27b (b). Anti-calnexin Ab recognizing a ubiquitous ER-membrane protein was used as a loading control.