Dysregulated immune profiles have been described in symptomatic patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. Whether the reported immune alterations are specific to SARS-CoV-2 infection or also triggered by other acute illnesses remains unclear. We performed flow cytometry analysis on fresh peripheral blood from a consecutive cohort of (a) patients hospitalized with acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, (b) patients of comparable age and sex hospitalized for another acute disease (SARS-CoV-2 negative), and (c) healthy controls. Using both data-driven and hypothesis-driven analyses, we found several dysregulations in immune cell subsets (e.g., decreased proportion of T cells) that were similarly associated with acute SARS-CoV-2 infection and non–COVID-19-related acute illnesses. In contrast, we identified specific differences in myeloid and lymphocyte subsets that were associated with SARS-CoV-2 status (e.g., elevated proportion of ICAM-1+ mature/activated neutrophils, ALCAM+ monocytes, and CD38+CD8+ T cells). A subset of SARS-CoV-2–specific immune alterations correlated with disease severity, disease outcome at 30 days, and mortality. Our data provide an understanding of the immune dysregulation specifically associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection among acute care hospitalized patients. Our study lays the foundation for the development of specific biomarkers to stratify SARS-CoV-2–positive patients at risk of unfavorable outcomes and to uncover candidate molecules to investigate from a therapeutic perspective.
Rose-Marie Rébillard, Marc Charabati, Camille Grasmuck, Abdelali Filali-Mouhim, Olivier Tastet, Nathalie Brassard, Audrey Daigneault, Lyne Bourbonnière, Sai Priya Anand, Renaud Balthazard, Guillaume Beaudoin-Bussières, Romain Gasser, Mehdi Benlarbi, Ana Carmena Moratalla, Yves Carpentier Solorio, Marianne Boutin, Negar Farzam-kia, Jade Descôteaux-Dinelle, Antoine Philippe Fournier, Elizabeth Gowing, Annemarie Laumaea, Hélène Jamann, Boaz Lahav, Guillaume Goyette, Florent Lemaître, Victoria Hannah Mamane, Jérémie Prévost, Jonathan Richard, Karine Thai, Jean-François Cailhier, Nicolas Chomont, Andrés Finzi, Michaël Chassé, Madeleine Durand, Nathalie Arbour, Daniel E. Kaufmann, Alexandre Prat, Catherine Larochelle
Summary of identified alterations in subsets of immune cells according to status, severity, outcome, and mortality.