Chylomicrons have been shown to protect mice and rats against a lethal dose of lipopolysaccharide and may serve as a therapeutic means to protect against endotoxemia. However, the requisite of isolation from human lymph hampers pharmaceutical application. Recently, we developed recombinant chylomicrons from commercially available lipids and human recombinant apolipoprotein E. The current study explored the effectiveness of these apoE-enriched emulsions in redirecting LPS from Kupffer cells to liver parenchymal cells. Upon injection into rats, 125I-LPS rapidly and specifically associated with the liver (64.3+/-3.1% of the injected dose) and spleen (4.1+/-0.7%). The uptake of LPS by the spleen was four- to fivefold reduced upon incubation with the apoE-enriched emulsion or free apoE (P < 0.0001), but not with emulsion alone or Lipofundin. Within the liver, 125I-LPS mainly associated with Kupffer cells. The uptake by Kupffer cells was eight- to ninefold reduced by the apoE-enriched emulsion or apoE alone (P < 0.01), and a 19.6-fold increased uptake ratio by liver parenchymal cells over Kupffer cells was observed. The emulsion without apoE had no effect on the in vivo kinetics of LPS. LPS interacted selectively with the apoE moiety of the recombinant chylomicron. Emulsion-associated and free apoE bound approximately two molecules of LPS, possibly by its exposed hydrophilic domain involving arginine residues. We anticipate that the protecting effect of endogenous chylomicrons against LPS-induced endotoxemia may result from the apoE moiety and that human recombinant apoE may serve as a therapeuticum to protect against endotoxemia.
P C Rensen, M Oosten, E Bilt, M Eck, J Kuiper, T J Berkel