Two forms of intercalated cells are present in kidney collecting tubules, the alpha cell has apical endocytosis, apical H+-ATPase and basolateral band 3, while beta cells have reversed polarity of these proteins and no apical endocytosis. When a beta cell line was seeded at high density, it changed into the alpha form. We previously showed that a partially purified 230 kD extracellular matrix protein of high density cells was able to retarget band 3 from apical to basolateral domains and stimulated apical endocytosis in vitro (Van Adelsberg, J., J.C. Edwards, J. Takito, B. Kiss, and Q. Al-Awqati. 1994. Cell. 76:1053-1061). We now purify this protein, which was named hensin, to near homogeneity and find that it belongs to the macrophage scavenger receptor cysteine rich (SRCR) family. An antibody, generated against a fusion protein made from a partial cDNA recognized a 230-kD protein in rabbit kidney and in the intercalated cell line. In vitro, the hensin antibody inhibited expression of apical endocytosis. Hensin was secreted in a polarized manner and bound to the basolateral membrane and extracellular matrix. Immunohistochemistry of the kidney showed that it was expressed only in collecting tubules. Double immunofluorescence with hensin and peanut lectin, H+-ATPase, or band 3 showed many patterns; most alpha-cells had hensin staining while 50% of beta-cells did not. These results suggest that hensin may also be involved in the polarity reversal of intercalated cells in vivo.
J Takito, C Hikita, Q Al-Awqati