To address the question as to how zona glomerulosa (ZG) cell angiotensin II (Ang II) secretion is regulated, we developed an immuno-cell blot assay to measure its secretion from single cells. We compared these results with those obtained from population studies using a superfusion system. Modulation of Ang II secretion was investigated acutely (by administrating potassium [K+] or captopril) and chronically (by feeding the animals low or high sodium diets). The area of secretory cells, halo areas, and halo intensities varied widely but were highly significantly correlated (P < 0.001) with each other. A disproportionate amount of Ang II was secreted by a small number of large cells. When K+ concentration was increased from 3.6 to 0 mM, superfused ZG cells increased their Ang II secretion 2.32 +/- 0.59-fold. Administration of captopril reduced the K(+)-stimulated Ang II secretion 1.24 +/- 0.07 fold. These findings were reflected in the cell blot assay as a change in the frequency distribution of halo area by K+ and captopril in the same direction as in the population study. In both conditions, the percentage of secretory cells did not change significantly from control. Superfused ZG cells from rats on a low sodium diet secreted 1.85 +/- 0.58-fold more Ang II than cells from sodium-loaded rats (p < 0.05, n = 6). The cell blot assay confirmed these findings with sodium restriction significantly increasing (P < 0.001) both the halo area and its frequency distribution to a larger portion of high secreting cells. However, in contrast to acute treatment with K+ or captopril, the number of secretory cells also doubled. Thus, the individual ZG cell uses two mechanisms to modify Ang II production. In response to acute stimulation and suppression, the amount of Ang II secreted per cell is modified without changing the number of secretary cells. With chronic stimulation, both the amount of Ang II secreted per cell and the number of secretary cells increase.
C Y Chiou, G H Williams, I Kifor