There are at least three major African haplotype backgrounds on which the beta s mutation arises. Sequence changes in the immediate 5' flanking area of the gamma-globin genes may account for differences in fetal hemoglobin expression among the three haplotypes. We determined the sequence from -350 to 10 bp 5' of the G gamma and A gamma fetal globin genes from one beta s-containing chromosome on each of the three major haplotype backgrounds. The Senegal chromosome had a T at -158 5' to the G gamma gene; the Benin (BEN) chromosome had an A to G change at -309 5' to the G gamma gene; and the Central African Republic (CAR) chromosome had a C to T change at -271 5' to the A gamma gene. Genomic DNA from patients with sickle cell disease was analyzed using the polymerase chain reaction and radiolabeled allele-specific oligonucleotide probes. The -309 G variant 5' to the G gamma gene is associated with BEN chromosomes, and the -271 T variant 5' to A gamma with CAR. The -309 change was also found on beta A-containing chromosomes, while the -271 change was not. The -309 change may have predated the beta s mutation on the BEN chromosome.
S R Month, R W Wood, P T Trifillis, P J Orchowski, B Sharon, S K Ballas, S Surrey, E Schwartz