PTH stimulates active Ca reabsorption in isolated perfused rabbit kidney connecting tubules (CNTs). The existence of PTH-sensitive adenylate cyclase and the reproduction of increased epithelial Ca transport by dibutyryl-cAMP suggest that cAMP is the mediator. Accordingly, we studied the effects of PTH and 8-bromoadenosine 3',5'-cAMP (8-Br-cAMP) on cytosolic free calcium concentration [( Ca2+]i) in individual rabbit CNTs. [Ca2+]i was estimated by continuous epifluorescence microscopy of single fura-2-loaded tubules during dual wave-length excitation. In nonperfused controls at 37 degrees C, [Ca2+]i decreased with time. In contrast to vehicle controls, synthetic bovine (1-34) PTH (0.1 nM) increased [Ca2+]i within 4 min, produced a maximal effect in 7.2 min, and sustained its effect for at least 2 min after washout. 8-Br-cAMP (1 mM) mimicked the effect of PTH, but with an earlier onset of action. To test the hypothesis that lumen Ca is the predominant source of the rise in [Ca2+]i, we studied singly perfused CNTs. In the absence of bath and lumen Ca, PTH elicited no rise in [Ca2+]i, implying that intracellular Ca stores are not the major source. In contrast, there was a rise when Ca was replenished in both media. In the continuous presence of bath Ca, lumen Ca was estimated to contribute 65% of the total rise in [Ca2+]i in response to PTH when it was first deleted and then replenished. However, when the sequence of lumen Ca manipulation was reversed, the contributions by lumen and bath Ca were found to be essentially equal. We conclude (a) at a physiologic concentration, PTH increases [Ca2+]i in rabbit CNTs, (b) 8-Br-cAMP mimics this action, implicating cAMP as a second messenger, and (c) the PTH-stimulated rise in [Ca2+]i depends importantly on both bath and tubular luminal fluid Ca.
J E Bourdeau, K Lau
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