We used a subclone of a rabbit genomic clone for collagenase that cross-hybridizes with human synovial cell messenger RNA (mRNA) to identify a human collagenase complementary DNA (cDNA) clone. The human cDNA clone is 2.1 kilobases (kb) and selects a mRNA transcript of approximately the same size from primary cultures of rheumatoid synovial cells that produce collagenase, but no mRNA is selected from control (nonproducing) synovial fibroblasts. Restriction enzyme analysis and DNA sequence data indicate that our cDNA clone is full length and that it is identical to that recently described for human skin fibroblast collagenase. The cDNA clone identified a single collagenase gene of approximately 17 kb from blots of human genomic DNA. The identity of human skin and synovial cell collagenase and the ubiquity of this enzyme and of its substrates, the interstitial collagens types I, II, and III, imply that common mechanisms controlling collagenolysis throughout the human body may be operative in both normal and disease states.
C E Brinckerhoff, P L Ruby, S D Austin, M E Fini, H D White