
Abnormal factor IX variant proteins were isolated from the plasmas of three unrelated severe hemophilia-B families that had been previously shown to contain functionally impaired molecules immunologically similar to normal factor IX. The families studied were: (1) a patient with markedly prolonged ox brain prothrombin time, designated factor IX Bm Lake Elsinore (IXBmLE); (b) three patients (brothers) with moderately prolonged ox brain prothrombin time, designated factor IX Long Beach (IXLB); and (c) a patient with normal ox brain prothrombin time designated factor IX Los Angeles (IXLA). Each variant molecule comigrates with normal factor IX (IXN) both in the sodium dodecyl sulfate and in the nondenaturing alkaline gel electrophoresis. All three variant proteins are indistinguishable from IXN in their amino acid compositions, isoelectric points, carbohydrate distributions and number of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues. Each variant protein undergoes a similar pattern of cleavage by factor XIa/Ca2+ and by factor VIIa/Ca2+/tissue factor, and is activated at a rate similar to that observed for IXN. All of the three variant proteins also react with an anti-IXN monoclonal antibody that interferes with the binding of activated IXN(IXaN) to thrombin-treated factor VIIIC. However, in contrast to IXaN, the cleaved IXBmLE has negligible activity (approximately 0.2%), and cleaved forms of IXLA and IXLB have significantly reduced activity (approximately 5-6%) in binding to antithrombin-III/heparin, and in activating factor VII (plus Ca2+ and phospholipid) or factor X (plus Ca2+ and phospholipid) +/- factor VIII. These data, taken together, strongly indicate that the defect in these three variant proteins resides near or within the latent catalytic site. This results in virtually a complete loss of catalytic activity of the cleaved IXBmLE molecule and approximately 95% loss of catalytic activity of the cleaved IXLA and IXLB molecules.


P Usharani, B J Warn-Cramer, C K Kasper, S P Bajaj


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