The role of local prostaglandin (PG) synthesis in the modulation of the proliferative activity of colonic epithelium was examined in rat colon. Experimental rats were given either indomethacin (5 mg/kg s.c. every 8 h for three doses) or aspirin (0.5 g/100 g diet for 3 d). In rats treated with indomethacin or aspirin, the incorporation of [3H]thymidine (dThd) into DNA in vivo was increased approximately twofold over control in mucosal scrapings from distal colon, and approximately threefold over control in the proliferating pool of epithelial cells isolated from distal colon. [3H]dThd incorporation into DNA was also examined ex vivo immediately after distal colonic resection. It was approximately twofold higher in mucosa of colonic segments (1-h incubation) from rats treated with indomethacin or aspirin in vivo, compared with corresponding values of segments from control rats. Immunoreactive (i) prostaglandin E (PGE), the dominant PG product of colon segment incubates by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of [14C]arachidonate metabolites, was markedly (95%) reduced in the media of 1-h colon incubates from indomethacin- or aspirin-treated rats, compared with control rats. Moreover, the cyclic (c)AMP content of mucosa of segments from indomethacin- or aspirin-treated rats was significantly lower than that of control rats. Prolonged incubation (4-24 h) of colonic segments from indomethacin-treated rats, in the absence of indomethacin in vitro, led to an eventual return of [3H]dThd incorporation into DNA, iPGE, and mucosal cAMP to control values. Conversely, inclusion of indomethacin (0.25 mM) in the incubations (6 h) of colonic segments from indomethacin-treated rats resulted in persistent suppression of iPGE and mucosal cAMP, as well as persistent enhancement of [3H]dThd incorporation into mucosal DNA. However, incubation of colonic segments from control rats (no in vivo drug exposure) with indomethacin or aspirin in vitro for periods up to 24 h failed to alter DNA synthesis, despite marked reduction in media iPGE and lower mucosal cAMP. The latter observations suggested that additional in vivo factors initiated the enhancement of DNA synthesis in indomethacin- or aspirin-treated rats. Exogenous PGE2, D2, I2, or F2 alpha, each of which increased the endogenous mucosal cAMP content of incubated colonic segments from control, indomethacin- or aspirin-treated rats, all suppressed [3H]dThd incorporation into mucosal DNA in vitro. Dibutyryl cAMP, but not dibutyryl cGMP, had an analogous suppressive effect on in vitro [3H]dThd incorporation into DNA. Thus, the present observations are consistent with an inhibitory action of endogenous colonic PG synthesis on the proliferative activity of colonic epithelium. This action may be mediated through cAMP.
P A Craven, R Saito, F R DeRubertis
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