A qualitative platelet abnormality and a bleeding tendency are frequently associated with renal failure and uremia. We demonstrated previously that uremic patients display an abnormal platelet aggregation to arachidonic acid and reduced malondialdehyde production in response to thrombin and arachidonic acid. The objectives of this investigation were: (a) to compare platelet prostaglandin (PG) and thromboxane (TX) production in whole blood and in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) of 21 uremic patients and 22 healthy subjects; (b) to evaluate the concentration and activity of platelet PG- and TX-forming enzymes; (c) to assess the functional responsiveness of the platelet TXA2/PGH2 receptor; (d) to explore the hemostatic consequences of partially reduced TXA2 production.
G. Remuzzi, A. Benigni, P. Dodesini, A. Schieppati, M. Livio, G. De Gaetano, J. S. Day, W. L. Smith, E. Pinca, P. Patrignani, C. Patrono