Using the standing droplet technique in the renal proximal convolution and simultaneous microperfusion of the peritubular capillaries, the zero net flux transtubular concentration difference of taurocholate (ΔCTC−) at 45 s was determined as a measure of active bile acid reabsorption in vivo. Starting with 0.1 mmol/liter taurocholate in both perfusates the control ΔCTC− of 0.042 mmol/liter fell to 0.006 mmol/liter (P < 0.001) when the Na+ concentration in the perfusates was reduced to zero. Removal of bicarbonate from the perfusates to alter pH had no influence on ΔCTC−. When glycocholate was added to the perfusates ΔCTC− was decreased, while probenecid increased ΔCTC−.
Frederick A. Wilson, Gerhard Burckhardt, Heini Murer, Gerhard Rumrich, Karl J. Ullrich
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