Reports from several laboratories, showing extensive hepatic extraction of circulating parathyroid hormone, led us to examine the effect of near-total hepatectomy on the metabolism of the hormone to circulating fragments, and on its clearance from plasma. The rate of disappearance of 125I-labeled and unlabeled bovine parathyroid hormone from plasma, and the appearance, disappearance, and chemical and immunochemical characteristics of circulating fragments were examined by gel filtration and either sequence-specific radioimmunoassays or sequence analysis using the Edman reaction. Results from awake rats subjected to near-total hepatectomy were compared with those found in sham-treated, nephrectomized, and short-term uremic rats (studied 2 d after nephrectomy). When compared with the sham-treated group, all other groups clear 125I-labeled hormone more slowly; after hepatectomy, however, the clearance rate is most strikingly decreased.
Gino V. Segre, Pierre D'Amour, Anne Hultman, John T. Potts Jr.