
To study directly the role of spectrin in erythrocyte membrane function, we have designed a reconstituted membrane system using erythrocyte membranes from spectrin-deficient mice and purified spectrin from normal mice. The normal spectrin is inserted into the spectrin-deficient spherocytes by exchange hemolysis. Thereafter, raising the ionic strength and temperature reseals the cells and, with time, facilitates binding of the spectrin to the spectrin-deficient membranes. The binding is apparently specific as shown by its dependence upon the concentration of undenatured spectrin and the concentration of salt used, as well as by the immunofluorescent appearance of the reconstituted cells after treatment with specific antispectrin antibody. In terms of in vitro cellular behavior, the reconstituted preparations show marked changes in comparison to the untreated spherocytes. In particular, membrane stability, as measured by the reduction of myelin figure formation and lipid loss, is considerably enhanced. In addition, membrane fusion, which occurs readily with the untreated spherocytes, is virtually eliminated. Finally, the osmotic behavior of the native spherocytes is appreciably altered, such that the early phase of osmotically induced swelling, as measured in a high-speed stop-flow apparatus, is delayed and modified. Taken together, these findings indicate specific roles for spectrin in the stabilization of the erythrocyte membrane, in the limitation of membrane fusion, and in the modulation of the membrane's response to osmotic stress.


S B Shohet


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