The role of vitamin E in human nutrition was studied by investigation of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and associated pancreatic insufficiency. Vitamin E status was assessed by measurement of the plasma concentration of the principal circulating isomer, α-tocopherol. Results of such determinations in 52 CF patients with pancreatogenic steatorrhea revealed that all were deficient in the vitamin. The extent of decreased plasma tocopherol varied markedly but correlated with indices of intestinal malabsorption, such as the serum carotene concentration and percentage of dietary fat absorbed. Supplementation with 5-10 times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin E in a water-miscible form increased the plasma α-tocopherol concentrations to normal in all 19 CF patients so evaluated.
Philip M. Farrell, John G. Bieri, Joseph F. Fratantoni, Robert E. Wood, Paul A. di Sant'Agnese
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