A multiple inert gas elimination method was used to study the mechanism of impaired gas exchange in 23 patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Three patterns of ventilation-perfusion (Va/Q) inequality were found: (a) A pattern with considerable regions of high (greater than 3) VA/Q, none of low (less than 0.1) VA/Q, and essentially no shunt. Almost all patients with type A COPD showed this pattern, and it was also seen in some patients with type B. (b) A pattern with large amounts of low but almost none of high VA/Q, and essentially no shunt. This pattern was found in 4 of 12 type B patients and 1 of type A. (c) A pattern with both low and high VA/Q areas was found in the remaining 6 patients. Distributions with high VA/Q areas occurred mostly in patients with greatly increased compliance and may represent loss of blood-glow due to alveolar wall destruction. Similarly, well-defined modes of low VA/Q areas were seen mostly in patients with severe cough and sputum and may be due to reduced ventilation secondary to mechanical airways obstruction or distortion. There was little change in the VA/Q distributions on exercise or on breathing 100% O2. The observed patterns of VA/Q inequality and shunt accounted for all of the hypoxemia at rest and during exercise. There was therefore no evidence for hypoxemia caused by diffusion impairment. Patients with similar arterial blood gases often had dissimilar VA/Q patterns. As a consequence the pattern of VA/Q inequality could not necessarily be inferred from the arterial PO2 and PCO2.
P D Wagner, D R Dantzker, R Dueck, J L Clausen, J B West