The incidence of diabetic retinopathy was determined in 38 diabetics and 31 sexual ateliotic dwarfs deficient only in human growth hormone (HGH). The age and sex distribution were approximately the same in each group. The incidence and pattern of glucose intolerance were similar in diabetics and HGH-deficient dwarfs. The majority of diabetics (21 of 38) and HGH-deficient dwarfs (26 of 31) exhibited insulinopenia after glucose, mixed glucose-beef meals, and the infusion of l-arginine. A smaller number of HGH-deficient dwarfs (5 of 31) and diabetics (8 of 38) had normal or augmented absolute insulin responses to these same provocative stimuli. Hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia occurred with greater frequency in both diabetics and HGH-deficient dwarfs than in normal controls. 8 of 21 diabetics and 6 of 21 sexual ateliotics exhibited significant hypertriglyceridemia. Five diabetics and six sexual ateliotics had significantly greater than normal serum cholesterol levels.
T. J. Merimee, S. E. Fineberg, V. A. McKusick, J. Hall