
The production rates (PR) and the metabolic clearance rates (MCR) of human follicle—stimulating hormone (HFSH) were determined in six pre- and five postmenopausal women. Human FSH (PER-780) labeled with 131I to specific activities of 50-150 μc/μg was used as a tracer. Both double antibody and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitation techniques were used to determine HFSH-131I levels in infusate and plasma. In four of the subjects MCRs measured by both constant infusion and single injection techniques were the same. By constant infusion, plasma HFSH-131I levels reached equilibrium between 4-5 hr.


Yank D. Coble Jr., Peter O. Kohler, Charles M. Cargille, Griff T. Ross


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