T Killip, R A Baer
Title and authors | Publication | Year |
Effects of atrial fibrillation on the arterial fluid dynamics: a modelling perspective
S Scarsoglio, C Gallo, L Ridolfi |
Meccanica | 2018 |
Cardiovascular responses to transvenous electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation in anaesthetized horses
S Schauvliege, G Loon, DD Clercq, L Devisscher, P Deprez, F Gasthuys |
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia | 2009 |
Atrial Fibrillation
A Natale, J Jalife |
2008 | |
Akuttherapie lebensbedrohlicher tachykarder Rhythmusstörungen
HJ Trappe |
Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin | 2007 |
Management and complications of anesthesia for transvenous electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation in horses: 62 cases (2002–2006)
MH Bellei, C Kerr, MK McGurrin, DG Kenney, P Physick-Sheard |
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association | 2007 |
H Katoh, T Shimada, S Inoue, N Takahashi, H Shimizu, Y Ohta, K Nakamura, Y Murakami, Y Ishibashi, A Matsumori |
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology | 2004 |
Propagation of Mitral Valve Closure Flow to the Pulmonary Vein: Its Clinical Relevance to Left Atrial Compliance in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation
M Ono, S Nakatani, K Hirooka, M Yamagishi, K Miyatake |
Journal of Echocardiography | 2003 |
The role of the atria in congenital heart disease
F Meijboom, J Roos-Hesselink, H Sievert |
Cardiology Clinics | 2002 |
Optimal ventricular rate slowing during atrial fibrillation by feedback AV nodal-selective vagal stimulation
Y Zhang, KA Mowrey, S Zhuang, DW Wallick, ZB Popović, TN Mazgalev |
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology | 2002 |
Is atrial flutter a risk factor for stroke?∗∗Editorials published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of JACC or the American College of Cardiology
PB Sparks, JM Kalman |
Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 2001 |
Role of transesophageal echocardiography-guided cardioversion of patients with atrial fibrillation
AL Klein, RD Murray, RA Grimm |
Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 2001 |
Atrial fibrillation impairs endothelial function of forearm vessels in humans
N Takahashi, Y Ishibashi, T Shimada, T Sakane, S Ohata, T Sugamori, Y Ohta, S Inoue, K Nakamura, H Shimizu, H Katoh, K Sano, Y Murakami, M Hashimoto |
Journal of Cardiac Failure | 2001 |
Arrhythmias in Heart Failure:
L Eckardt, W Haverkamp, R Johna, D Böcker, MC Deng, G Breithardt, M Borggreee |
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology | 2000 |
The use of pacemakers as treatment for systolic dysfunction
SS Gottlieb |
Journal of Cardiac Failure | 1998 |
Rate issues in atrial fibrillation: consequences of tachycardia and therapy for rate control
B Schumacher, B Lüderitz |
The American Journal of Cardiology | 1998 |
The effect of atrial fibrillation and the ventricular rate control on exercise capacity
RH Ostermaier, LD Vecchia, S Lampert, S Ravid |
Clinical Cardiology | 1997 |
RH Falk |
Cardiology Clinics | 1996 |
Left atrial mechanical function after cardioversion
E Macieira-Coelho |
The American Journal of Cardiology | 1996 |
Cardiac Arrhythmias 1995
A Raviele |
1996 | |
Hemodynamics of Idiopathic Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
P Alboni, S Scarfoe, G Fuca, N Paparella, P Yannacopulu |
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology | 1995 |
Newer developments in the management of atrial fibrillation
S Nattel |
American Heart Journal | 1995 |
Relationship between ventricular rate and cardiac output in mimic experimental atrial fibrillation
CS Liau, MF Chen, FY Lin, CH Tsai, YT Lee |
Journal of Electrocardiology | 1994 |
The Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: An Evaluation of Drug Therapy, Electrical Modalities and Therapeutic Considerations
S Nattel, T Hadjis, M Talajic |
Drugs | 1994 |
Time course of hemodynamic changes and improvement of exercise tolerance after cardioversion of chronic atrial fibrillation unassociated with cardiac valve disease
IC van Gelder, HJ Crijns, PK Blanksma, ML Landsman, JL Posma, MP van Berg, FL Meijler, KI Lie |
The American Journal of Cardiology | 1993 |
Hemodynamic determinants of exercise capacity in chronic atrial fibrillation
K Ueshima, J Myers, PM Ribisl, JE Atwood, CK Morris, T Kawaguchi, J Liu, VF Froelicher |
American Heart Journal | 1993 |
Surgical therapy of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with the “corridor” operation
JJ Defauw, GM Guiraudon, NM van Hemel, FE Vermeulen, JH Kingma, JM de Bakker |
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 1992 |
Improved Ventilatory Response to Exercise after Cardioversion of Chronic Atrial Fibrillation to Sinus Rhythm
T Lundström, Ö Karlsson |
Chest | 1992 |
Left atrial function in acute transient left ventricular ischemia produced during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty of the left anterior descending coronary artery
U Sigwart, M Grbic, JJ Goy, L Kappenberger |
The American Journal of Cardiology | 1990 |
Cardiac output in patients with acute lower limb ischaemia of presumed embolic origin—A predictor of severity and outcome?
L Jivegård, B Arfvidsson, I Frid, H Haljamäe, J Holm |
European Journal of Vascular Surgery | 1990 |
PTCA An Investigational Tool and a Non-Operative Treatment of Acute Ischemia
PW Serruys, R Simon, KJ Beatt |
1990 | |
The effect of cardioversion on maximal exercise capacity in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation
JE Atwood, J Myers, M Sullivan, S Forbes, S Sandhu, P Callaham, V Froelicher |
American Heart Journal | 1989 |
Disadvantages of Digitalis for Atrial Fibrillation
J Constant |
Hospital Practice | 1988 |
Clinical Aspects of Cardiac Arrhythmias
AJ Camm, DE Ward |
1988 | |
Right atrial isolation: A new surgical treatment for supraventricular tachycardia
A Harada, HJ D'Agostino, JP Boineau, JL Cox |
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | 1988 |
Congestive Heart Failure
L Werkö |
Acta Medica Scandinavica | 1987 |
Importance of the “atrial kick” in determining the effective mitral valve orifice area in mitral stenosis
P Nicod, LD Hillis, MD Winniford, BG Firth |
The American Journal of Cardiology | 1986 |
Alpha-receptor constriction induced by atrial fibrillation during maximal coronary dilatation
G Ertl, J Wichmann, M Kaufmann, K Kochsiek |
Basic Research in Cardiology | 1986 |
Recent Progress in Mitral Valve Disease
C Yoran, RW Frater, EH Sonnenblick, EL Yellin |
Recent Progress in Mitral Valve Disease | 1984 |
Effect of experimentally induced atrial fibrillation on coronary circulation in dogs
J Wichmann, G Ertl, G Rudolph, K Kochsiek |
Basic Research in Cardiology | 1983 |
The hemodynamic consequences of cardiac arrhythmias: Evaluation of the relative roles of abnormal atrioventricular sequencing, irregularity of ventricular rhythm and atrial fibrillation in a canine model
M Naito, D David, EL Michelson, M Schaffenburg, LS Dreifus |
American Heart Journal | 1983 |
Reevaluation of the role of atrial systole to cardiac hemodynamics: Evidence for pulmonary venous regurgitation during abnormal atrioventricular sequencing
M Naito, LS Dreifus, D David, EL Michelson, TJ Mardelli, JJ Kmetzo |
American Heart Journal | 1983 |
Left atrial transport function
JJ Leonard, J Shaver, M Thompson |
Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association | 1981 |
Systemic and coronary hemodynamic effects of transthoracic direct current shock
GG Rowe, GT Bandow, PJ Laanen, KJ Michler, WC Zarnstorff, S Afonso |
Basic Research in Cardiology | 1979 |
L Sassé, CR Frolich |
Cardiovascular diseases | 1979 |
Hemodynamics and Echocardiograms Before and After Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation to Normal Sinus Rhythm
JR Orlando, R Herick, WS Aronow, HG Olson |
Chest | 1979 |
Echographic assessment of atrial transport, mitral movement, and ventricular performance following electroversion of supraventricular arrhythmias
AN DeMaria, JE Lies, JF King, RR Miller, EA Amsterdam, DT Mason |
Circulation | 1975 |
Titrated energy cardioversion of patients on digitalis
F Hagemeijer, EV Houwe |
Heart (British Cardiac Society) | 1975 |
Heart failure 63 years after traumatic arteriovenous fistula
W Frishman, AM Epstein, S Kulick, T Killip |
The American Journal of Cardiology | 1974 |
Assessment of left atrial transport function immediately after cardioversion
ME Thompson, CC Metzger, JA Shaver, FP Heidenreich, CE Martin, JJ Leonard |
The American Journal of Cardiology | 1972 |
Systolic Time Intervals, Relation to Atrial Contraction and Leg Elevation in Patients with Transvenous Pacemakers and Fixed Rate Pacing
S Chaithiraphan, E Goldberg |
Chest | 1972 |
Electromechanical correlation of leftatrial function after cardioversion
DN Grover, VS Mathur, S Shrivastava, SB Roy |
British heart journal | 1971 |
Electroconversion of atrial fibrillation after mitral valvotomy
AR Upton, M Honey |
British heart journal | 1971 |
Immediate effect on cardiac output of reversion to sinus rhythm from rapid arrhythmias
JS Wright, J Fabian, EJ Epstein |
British medical journal | 1970 |
R Balcon, E Sowton |
Acta Medica Scandinavica | 1970 |
Atrial Pacing in the Postoperative Management of Cardiac Homotransplantation
C Chartrand, WW Angell, E Dong, NE Shumway |
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery | 1969 |
Atrial function and the hemodynamic consequences of atrial fibrillation in man
JH Mitchell, W Shapiro |
The American Journal of Cardiology | 1969 |
Left Atrial Transport in Mitral Stenosis
FP Heidenreich, ME Thompson, JA Shaver, JJ Leonard |
Circulation | 1969 |
Hemodynamic effects after conversion of arrhythmias
RJ Corliss, DH McKenna, CW Crumpton, GG Rowe |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1968 |
Metabolic and hemodynamic responses to exercise during atrial fibrillation and sinus rhythm☆
MA Kaplan, RE Gray, LT Iseri, of |
The American Journal of Cardiology | 1968 |
The value of direct current conversion of atrial fibrillation
ME Scott, JF Pantridge |
American Heart Journal | 1968 |
Alterations in Cardiac Function Immediately Following Electrical Conversion of Atrial Fibrillation to Normal Sinus Rhythm
W Shapiro, G Klein |
Circulation | 1968 |
Effects of Atrial Fibrillation on Exercise Performance in Patients with Cardiac Disease
TR Hornsten, RA Bruce |
Circulation | 1968 |
Surgical treatment of an inadequate sinus mechanism by implantation of a right atrial pacemaker electrode
LF Silverman, HT Mankin, DC McGoon |
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | 1968 |
Atrial Fibrillation in the Intact Unanesthetized Dog: Hemodynamic Effects during Rest, Exercise, and Beta-Adrenergic Blockade RH Martin, ST Lim, RL van Citters |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1967 |
Haemodynamic studies before and after electrical conversion of atrial fibrillation and flutter to sinus rhythm
L Resnekov |
British heart journal | 1967 |
Electrical reversion of cardiac arrhythmias
B Lown |
British heart journal | 1967 |