Jesse Roth, Seymour M. Glick, Rosalyn S. Yalow, Solomon A. Berson
Title and authors | Publication | Year |
Coupling Complete Blood Count and Steroidomics to Track Low Doses Administration of Recombinant Growth Hormone: An Anti-Doping Perspective
L Narduzzi, C Buisson, ML Morvan, A Marchand, M Audran, YL Bouc, E Varlet-Marie, M Ericsson, BL Bizec, G Dervilly |
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences | 2021 |
Vitamins & Hormones
KJ Hare, FK Knop |
Vitamins & Hormones | 2010 |
Detection of secondary biomarker of met-eGH as a strategy to screen for somatotropin misuse in horseracing
L Bailly-Chouriberry, E Chu-Van, G Pinel, P Garcia, MA Popot, G André-Fontaine, Y Bonnaire, BL Bizec |
The Analyst | 2008 |
Immunogenicity of xenopeptide hormone therapies
CA Schnabel, SE Fineberg, DD Kim |
Peptides | 2006 |
Spontaneously occurring anti-PTH autoantibodies must be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with elevated serum PTH levels1
B Cavaco, V Leite, MM Loureiro, MF Ferreira, MC Pereira, MA Santos, LG Sobrinho |
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation | 1999 |
Follow-up of antibodies to growth hormone in 210 growth hormone-deficient children treated with different commercial preparations
P Pirazzoli, E Cacciari, M Mandini, A Cicognani, S Zucchini, T Sganga, M Capelli |
Acta Paediatrica | 1995 |
Antibody-mediated enhancement of hormone activity
R Aston, WB Cowden, GL Ada |
Molecular Immunology | 1989 |
Growth Response to Daily Subcutaneous Administration of Growth Hormone
K Kikuchi, M Sudo, A Miyarnoto, T Ohie, C Mori, H Mikawa |
Pediatrics International | 1988 |
Heterogeneous phenotypes of Japanese cases with a growth hormone gene deletion
I Matsuda, A Hata, Y Jinno, F Endo, I Akaboshi, Y Nishi, S Takeuchi, M Takeda, Y Okada |
The Japanese Journal of Human Genetics | 1987 |
H Jüppner, R Baethke, MJ Atkinson, RD Hesch |
The Lancet | 1984 |
Refractoriness to gonadotropin therapy: how to distinguish ovarian failure versus pseudoovarian resistance caused by neutralizing antibodies*†*Presented in part at the Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, March 21 to 24, 1984, San Francisco, California.†Supported in part by Ford Foundation grant 810-0293
MP Platia, G Bloomquist, RF Williams, GD Hodgen |
Fertility and Sterility | 1984 |
Molecular Biology of Growth Hormon
AC Paladini, C Peña, E Poskus, CH Li |
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 1983 |
Radioiodination of human growth hormone with characterization and minimization of the commonly defined “damaged products”
P Bartolini, LM de Assis, ML Fonseca |
Clinica Chimica Acta | 1981 |
Isolation of antibodies to HCG/LH from human sera
M Wass, K McCANN, KD Bagshawe |
Nature | 1978 |
An accurate determination of human growth hormone content in different pituitary extracts, using a radioimmunoassay with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as a bound-free separation system
P Bartolini, LM de Assis, I Schwarz, RR Pieroni |
Clinica Chimica Acta | 1977 |
Medical Research Council of Canada therapeutic trial of human growth hormone: first 5 years of therapy
H Guyda, H Friesen, JD Bailey, G Leboeuf, JC Beck |
Canadian Medical Association journal | 1975 |
Responsiveness of Growth Hormone-Deficient Children to Human Growth Hormone EFFECT OF REPLACEMENT THERAPY FOR ONE YEAR
D Rudman, JH Patterson, DL Gibbas |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1973 |
An evaluation of antibodies and clinical resistance to salmon calcitonin
FR Singer, JP Aldred, RM Neer, SM Krane, JT Potts, KJ Bloch |
Journal of Clinical Investigation | 1972 |
Human Growth Hormone
JM Tanner |
Nature | 1972 |
Incidence and effects on growth of antibodies to human growth hormone
SR Chalkley, JM Tanner |
Archives of disease in childhood | 1971 |
Treatment with human growth hormone (Li) for over eight years--effects of long-term therapy in a pituitary dwarf
RF Escamilla, PH Forsham |
California medicine | 1971 |
Antibodies to Alcalase after Industrial Exposure
SA Berson, RS Yalow, T Saito, IJ Selikoff |
New England Journal of Medicine | 1971 |
Endocrine secretionin Vitro: Prolactin
EM Rivera, RH Kahn |
In Vitro | 1970 |
Menschliches Wachstumshormon
R Illig, M Zachmann, A Prader |
Klinische Wochenschrift | 1969 |
The Indian Journal of Pediatrics | 1968 |
J Landon, M Friedman, FC Greenwood |
The Lancet | 1967 |
Hypopituitary dwarfism
GH Newns |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine | 1967 |
Antibodies and Clinical Resistance to Parathyroid Hormone
RA Melick, JR Gill, SA Berson, RS Yalow, FC Bartter, JT Potts, GD Aurbach |
New England Journal of Medicine | 1967 |
Dwarfism, hypopituitarism, and growth hormone
A Prader |
Archives of disease in childhood | 1967 |
Immunological Properties of Protein Hormones
CH Read |
Immunological Properties of Protein Hormones | 1966 |
Current Concepts Regarding Human Growth Hormone (Somatotropin)
S Najjar, RM Blizzard |
Pediatric Clinics of North America | 1966 |