hIGFBP-1 gene expression in maternal decidua and fetal liver. (a) hIGFBP-1 mRNA in decidua of transgenic dams was detected by RT-PCR using a primer pair that specifically amplifies a 372-bp product from hIGFBP-1 cDNA. Lane 1, no template (negative control); lane 2, transgenic mouse liver RNA (positive control); lane 3, wild-type mouse decidua RNA (negative control); lanes 4–6, total RNA extracted decidua of transgenic females sacrificed at the indicated timepoints. M, 100-bp ladder. (b) hIGFBP-1 expression in fetal liver was detected as described in a. Lane 1, no template (negative control); lane 2, transgenic adult mouse liver RNA (positive control); lane 3, wild-type adult mouse liver RNA (negative control); lane 4, wild-type fetal liver RNA; lanes 5 and 6, liver RNA from transgenic fetuses at e14.5 and e17.5, respectively. M, molecular size markers.