Because some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) induce salt and water retention and exhibit other steroid-like actions, studies were performed to ascertain whether these drugs possess intrinsic mineralocorticoid agonist activity. In vitro competitive binding assays utilizing tissue from adrenalectomized rats demonstrated that some NSAID can displace [3H]-aldosterone from renal cytoplasmic mineralocorticoid receptors. Displacement potency for these sites was in the sequence: aldosterone greater than spironolactone greater than phenylbutazone (PBZ) greater than aspirin (ASA) greater than indomethacin (IDM). Concentration ratios required to obtain significant displacement of [3H]aldosterone were high but clearly within the therapeutic range for PBZ and ASA but not IDM. The analogues oxyphenbutazone (OBZ) and sodium salicylate (SS) were similar in binding activity to PBZ and ASA, respectively. Lineweaver-Burk analysis revealed that the inhibition of [3H]aldosterone binding was competitive in nature. In addition, PBZ was shown to prevent the nuclear binding of [3H]aldosterone. In vivo injection of PBZ and ASA resulted in competition for [3H]aldosterone renal binding comparable to the in vitro studies. Administration of PBZ and OBZ to adrenalectomized rats resulted in significant salt retention whereas ASA and SS did not differ significantly from controls. Salt retention elicited by PBZ and OBZ was inhibited by spironolactone, a competitive mineralocorticoid antagonist. These data suggest that, despite nonsteroidal structures, PBZ and OBZ induce salt retention via a receptor-mediated mineralocorticoid pathway analogous to aldosterone action.
D Feldman, C Couropmitree
Recent studies from several laboratories have documented the presence of fragments of parathyroid hormone in blood or peripheral tissues or in both. Inasmuch as amino-terminal fragments are known to be biologically active, it has been suggested that fragments, rather than the intact polypeptide of 84 amino acids, might be the active molecular species in tissue fluids. Accordingly, the metabolism of native bovine parathyroid hormone, bPTH-(1-84), was studied in purified renal cortical membranes from several species and correlated with hormonal stimulation of adenylyl cyclase in these membranes in vitro. Analysis of whole incubation mixtures or membrane-bound hormone by gel electrophoresis and gel chromatography after incubation of [3H]bPTH-(1-84) or 125-I-labeled bPTH-(1-84) or unlabeled biologically active bPTH-(1-84) with purified canine renal cortical membranes revealed no evidence of proteolysis, and yet the uncleaved hormone readily stimulated adenylyl cyclase. Kinetic studies of hormone-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity revealed no difference in rate of onset of activity between bPTH-(1-84) And the active synthetic amino-terminal tetratriacontapeptide bPTH-(1-34), and hence there was no evidence of precursor-product relationship between the native hormone and an active amino-terminal fragment. The results suggest, insofar as the activity detected in these membranes reflects the biological response of the hormone in vivo, that the native hormone is indeed biologically active at the receptor level directly without the requirement for cleavage into active fragments.
D Goltzman, A Peytremann, E N Callahan, G V Segre, J T Potts Jr
The spleen of the ex-hypoxic polycythemic mouse was employed to study the effect of erythropoietin on nuclear RNA polymerase activity. On the basis of ionic strength requirements and sensitivity to the fungal toxin alpha-amanitin, two major forms (I and II) of nuclear RNA polymerase were identified. Within 0.5 h after administration of erythropoietin, at a time when no morphologically identifiable erythroblasts were present in the spleen, there was an increase in the activity of polymerase II. By 2 h, polymerase II activity had declined to control levels. At 3 h, polymerase I activity began to increase, rising to a peak, 88% above control levels, by 12 h. During this period, early erythroblasts began to appear in the spleen. At 12 h, a second increase of similar magnitude occurred in polymerase II activity. Polymerase I activity fell to control levels by 18 h while polymerase II declined more slowly. These data indicate that stimulation of transcription is an early effect of erythropoietin. Multiple forms of RNA polymerase are involved and activation of these is sequential. Nuclear RNA polymerase activity is maximal during the period of early erythroblast proliferation and declines as these cells mature.
C A Piantadosi, H W Dickerman, J L Spivak
Previous studies have shown that plasma transcobalamin II (TCII) facilitates the cellular uptake of [57Co] vitamin B12 (B12) by a variety of tissues, but the lack of an intrinsic label on the protein moiety of the TCII-B12 complex has made it impossible to determine the role and fate of TCII during this process. We have labeled homogensous rabbit and human TCII with 125I-labeled N-succinimidyl-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propionate and have performed in vivo experiments in rabbits. When 125I-labeled rabbit TCII-[57Co] B12 and 131I-labeled bovine albumin were simultaneously injected intravenously, we observed that 125Iand 57Co were cleared from plasma at a faster rate (t1/2 = 1 1/2 h) than 131I and that 125I and 57Co were present in excess of 131I in the kidney, liver, spleen, heart, lung, and small intestine 1/2 h after injection. Later, 57Co remained in excess of 131I, but the ratio of 125I to 131I decreased progressively in all of these plasma and were rapidly excreted in the urine. After 1 h following injection, 57Co was present in excess of 125I in the plasma...
R J Schneider, R L Burger, C S Mehlman, R H Allen
We have assessed the capacity of an analogue of angiotensin II (A II), 1-Sar, 8-Ala A II (P113) in normal man to stimulate and block responses to A II in four systems: blood pressure was monitored directly from an arterial catheter, and renal blood flow was measured with 133Xe and arterial renin and aldosterone concentrations by radioimmunoassay. The 31 normal subjects were in balance on a daily intake of 200 meg sodium and 100 meq potassium to suppress endogenous renin. P113 administered intravenously induced a dose-related renal blood flow reduction, with a threshold dose of 0.1 mug/kg/min. This dose also induced a small but significant increase in arterial blood pressure and plasma aldosterone as well as a reduction in plasma renin activity. In contrast to its effect on the renal vasculature, no tendency to a progressive response in the latter three parameters was noted as the P113 dose was increased 30-fold, to 3.0 mug/kg/min. P113 also reduced the clearance of para-aminohippurate, creatinine, sodium, and potassium, a pattern similar to that induced by A II. P113 at 0.1 mug/kg/min reduced significantly the blood pressure and renal vascular and aldosterone responses to graded doses of A II. Higher P113 doses totally obliterated all three responses to A II infused at 10 ng/kg/min, a dose that provides arterial A II concentrations in the range found in angiotensin-mediated hypertension. When A II was infused first, to induce a pressor, renal vascular, and aldosterone response, P113 induced a dose-related reversal of the response in each system. In conclusion, P113 is a partial agonist in normal man, inducing an angiotensin-like response in settings in which endogenous A II is not playing a tonic role, and displaying dominant antagonist activity in settings in which A II is active. Moreover, the studies suggest that the receptors mediating the responses to A II are different in the renal vasculature and other systemic vascular beds. The adrenal receptor must also differ. This agent should be useful in dissecting the role of A II in diseases characterized by hypertension or abnormalities of renal and adrenal function.
N K Hollenberg, G H Williams, B Burger, I Ishikawa, D F Adams
Insulin content and release were measured from hand-dissected pancreatic islets from noninbred ob/ob mice after 1-5 wk storage in tissue culture medium 199 at various temperatures and glucose concentrations. After storage of islets for 1 wk at 37 degrees, 22 degrees, or 8 degrees C in 18 mM glucose medium and preincubation with 1 mM glucose, glucose-stimulated insulin release during the subsequent incubation was only 20-35% of that of fresh islets. The addition of a 4-h period at 37 degrees C with 18 mM glucose between the cold storage and perincubation restored glucose-stimulated insulin release from 8 degrees C stored islets to fresh-islet levels. Release throughout the 1-18 mM glucose range was strikingly parallel to that of fresh islets. Exposure of fresh islets to the same 4-h period increased basal release but did not affect maximal release. When islets were stored at 8 degrees C with 18 mM glucose for more than 1 wk, a short period at 37 degrees C every week was necessary for maintenance of release. After 5 wk of this procedure, glucose-stimulated insulin release was one-third that of fresh islets, or similar to that of islets stored for only 1 wk at 37 degrees C. Storage at 8 degrees C for 1 wk with 3 mM glucose, or continuously for 3 or 5 wk with 18 mM glucose, maintained islet insulin content, whereas release was lost. Thus, glucose-stimulated insulin release is best maintained by storage of pancreatic islets in tissue culture medium with a high concentration of glucose at 8 degrees C with short weekly periods at 37 degrees C.
B J Frankel, E Gylfe, B Hellman, L A Idahl
Complement-receptor lymphocytes have generally been considered to be a subpopulation of bone-marrow derived (B) lymphocytes. However, the present studies show that essentially all cells with integral surface immunoglobulin from normal human peripheral blood bear receptors for the third component of complement. Moreover, after removal of phagocytes, all cells with complement receptors bear surface Ig. Thus, circulating B cells and complement-receptor lymphocytes are the same population.
A G Ehlenberger, M McWilliams, J M Phillips-Quagliata, M E Lamm, V Nussenzweig
The effect of dexamethasone on erythropoiesis was examined in vitro. Hematopoietic cells from 13-day mouse fetal livers were cultured for 48 h in the presence or absence of erythropoietin and erythroid colonies enumerated. Colony formation occurring in cultures containing no added erythropoietin was inhibited by the incorporation of antierythropoietin antibody, suggesting that these colonies formed in response to endogenous hepatic erythropoietin. Maximal colony formation was observed with 0.5 U/ml of sheep erythropoietin. Dexamethasone increased erythroid colony formation with peak stimulation at 10(-9) M. Dexamethasone potentiation was most marked in cultures containing less than maximally stimulating concentrations of erythropoietin. The cells required only a brief exposure to glucocorticosteroid to exhibit the augmented cloning capacity, and dexamethasone stimulation was inhibited by progesterone (10(-6) M). A comparable response to dexamethasone was observed in cultures of adult murine and human bone marrow erythroid progenitors, implying that the phenomenon is not peculiar to fetal cells and is not dependent on the presence of fetal hepatocytes. These data suggest that erythroid progenitor cells possess a glucocorticoid receptor mechanism that can modulate the response to erythropoietin in vitro.
D W Golde, N Bersch, M J Cline
Human feces contain enzymes produced by enteric bacteria that degrade the A, B, and H blood group antigens of gut mucin glycoproteins. We have studied their production in fecal cultures to determine if such cultures can be a source for enzyme purification and to explore how blood group antigen-degrading enzymes are adapted in individual human colon ecosystems. They were present in fecal cultures from each of 27 healthy subjects, including ABH nonsecretors. Heat-sensitive obligate anaerobes are their major source. From 39 to 85% of the total enzyme activity produced by growing cultures was extracellular. Commercial hog gastric mucin and salivary glycoproteins, including Lea saliva which lacks A, B, and H antigens, enhance production of A-, B-, and H-degrading activity in anaerobic fecal cultures irrespective of the glycoprotein's blood group specificity. There is evidence that the host's ABO blood type and secretor status affects the specificity of blood group-degrading enzymes produced by his fecal bacteria in vitro. Thus, fecal inocula from B secretors incubated with hog gastric mucin (A and H specificity) or with Lea saliva produced greater levels of B-degrading than A- or H-degrading activity, and inocula from A secretors in similar media produced greater levels of A-degrading than B- or H-degrading activity. Blood group-degrading enzymes produced in fecal cultures are glycosidases and not proteases. The B-degrading enzyme cleaves the B antigenic determinant alpha-D-galactose from the oligosaccharide side chains of mucin glycoproteins with B specificity. Anaerobic fecal cultures containing blood group substances are a feasible source for purifying blood group antigen-degrading enzymes. Prior adaptation to blood group antigens in the gut mucins of type A and type B secretors affects the specificity of the enzymes produced in vitro.
L C Hoskins, E T Boulding
The autosomal dominant ABH secretor gene together with the ABO blood type gene control the presence and specificity of A, B, and H blood group antigens in human gut mucin glycoproteins. Certain obligate anaerobes in feces produce extracellular antigen-specific glycoside structures. We estimated the populations of these bacteria in feces of 22 healthy subjects by determining the greatest dilution of feces that yielded A, B, or H blood group-degrading enzyme activity after 24 h incubation in anaerobic cultures. Comparatively small populations of fecal bacteria produce blood group-degrading enzymes; their estimated populations were 10(8) per g or less in 21 subjects. Fecal populations of B-degrading bacteria were stable over time, and their population density averaged 50,000-fold greater in blood group B secretros than in other subjects. We present evidence that the greater fecal populations of B-degrading bacteria in B secretors is due in part to a competitive nutritional advantage gained by their ability to enzymatically cleave the B antigenic determinant alpha-D-galactose from gut mucins of B secretors. Fecal populations of bacteria producing A and H antigen-degrading enzyme activities were comparable in all subjects to the fecal population of B-degrading bacteria in B secretors. The large populations of fecal anaerobes may be an additional source of A antigen substrate for A-degrading bacteria; thus, antigens cross-reacting with A antigen were detected on cell walls of anaerobic bacteria from 3 of 10 cultures inoculated with 10(-10) g feces. Bacteria producing B-degrading activity likely represent a separate population from those producing A- or H-degrading activity since their fecal populations differed numerically in 14 subjects. These findings suggest that adaptation of blood group-degrading enzymes to mucin structures in human colon ecosystems is chiefly by mutation-selection of comparatively small populations of constitutive enzyme-producing strains rather than by substrate induced enzyme synthesis in many strains.
L C Hoskins, E T Boulding
Skin fibroblasts from two siblings with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen collagen (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type VI) contained normal levels of collagen prolyl hydroxylase activity but were markedly deficient in collagen lysyl hydroxylase activity. The deficiency was evident in all fractions of cell lysates, in low and high ionic strength buffers, and in detergent. Assays of mixtures of wild-type and mutant cell lysates indicated no activation of mutant enzyme by factors in wild-type cells or inhibition of normal enzyme by material in mutant cells. Wild type or mutant cells cultured with ascorbic acid (50 mug/ml of culture medium, added daily) contained approximately the same level of lysyl hydroxylase activity as cells cultured without ascorbate, but prolyl hydroxylase activity without ascorbate was depressed in both an average of 41%. The mutant lysyl hydroxylase was less stable at 37 degrees C than the wild type and did not form high molecular weight aggregates in low ionic strength buffers, as did the control enzyme. The activity of the mutant enzyme was maximally stimulated after dialysis against buffer solutions containing 10 mM dithiothreitol. When assayed in 100 muM dithiothreitol, the mutant enzyme exhibited a higher apparent Km for ascorbate (20 muM) than the wild type (4 muM). In 1.0 mM dithiothreitol the mutant enzyme's apparent Km for ascorbate was reduced to 5 muM. Wild type and mutant enzymes had the same apparent Km for alpha-keto-glutarate (20 muM). The properties of prolyl hydroxylase in wild type and mutant cells were identical: apparent Km's for ascorbate and alpha-ketoglutarate were 100 muM and 20 muM, respectively. If mutant enzyme protein with altered kinetic properties is the only enzyme functioning to hydroxylate lysyl residues in collagen, the variations in hydroxylysine content observed in collagen from different tissues in the subjects reported here could be in part due to differences in cofactor concentrations and in rate and sequence of events in collagen synthesis in different tissues.
R S Quinn, S M Krane
While plasma or sera obtained from rats 20 h after removal of one kidney (uninephrectomy) stimulated [3H] thyrmidine incorporation into the DNA of kidney tissue incubating in vitro, azotemic plasma or sera obtained from rats 20 h after removal of both kidneys had no apparent effect. Dialysis of this azotemic sera resulted in its ability to stimulate isotope incorporation into renal DNA to the same degree as sera from uninephrectomized rats. This stimulatory factor (renotropin) was found to rise significantly within the first 26 h after uninephrectomy. Renotropin worked only on renal tissue, and we found that a factor could be extracted in large amounts from the remaining kidney 20 h after uninephrectomy that would stimulate renal DNA synthesis in the presence of sera. Based on these findings and others, we postulate that after uninephrectomy there is an elevation in circulating renotropin as well as a tissue factor in the remaining kidney. Both factors together probably produce an excitor which enhances [3H] thymidine into DNA. The latter is tightly bound to renal tissue, and its production and/or activity is modified by circulating inhibitors that are especially prominent in azotemia.
H G Preuss, H Goldin
The fetal and adult lung have a constant level of collagen synthesis that represents 4-5% of the total amino acids incorporated into lung protein. Prior studies have demonstrated that this collagen is not homogeneous but rather is composed of at least two collagen types, I and II, each localized to specific lung structures. Although it is known that explants of rabit lung parenchyma and blood vessels synthesize type I collagen and that rabbit lung tracheobronchial tree synthesizes type II collagen, it has been suggested that other collagen types are present in lung. It is not known which cells are responsible for the synthesis of any lung collagen type. To approach the problem of additional lung collagen heterogeneity and the identification of the cells responsible for lung collagen synthesis, techniques were developed to examine collagen synthesized by lung cells in culture. 10-15% of the proteins synthesized by confluent cultures of rabbit lung cells and fetal human lung fibroblasts are collagen. Separation and purification of this collagen by ion-exchange chromatography and cyanogen bromide (CNBr) peptide mapping techniques indicate that collagen secreted by these cells is composed of two collagen types, I and III. The CNBr peptides of type I collagen secreted by these cells are identical to the CNBr peptides of type I collagen synthesized by lung parenchyma and blood vessels. The peptides of type III collagen secreted by these cells are identical to fetal skin type III collagen CNBr peptides. The existence of 40 cell types and the insolubility of lung collagen increase the complexity of identifying the types of collagen in lung and the cells responsible for the synthesis of each type. The techniques described here should eventually lead to a complete description of the synthesis and composition of lung collagen, thus providing a probe to understand the role of collagen in lung development and structure in health and disease.
A J Hance, K Bradley, R G Crystal
The antibiotic ristocetin only aggregates platelets in the presence of plasma von Willebrand factor. Platelets from patients with Bernard-Soulier syndrome do not aggregate upon addition of ristocetin although, in contrast to von Willebrand's disease, plasma levels of factor VIII complex (factor VIII clotting activity, von Willebrand factor activity, and von Willebrand antigen) are normal. The membrane surface of normal platelets was modified and compared to the surface of platelets from a patient with Bernard-Soulier syndrome in an attempt to identify the receptor involved in von Willebrand factor-ristocetin-induced aggregation. After the incubation of washed normal platelets with a preparation of ristocetin previously shown to contain a proteolytic contaminant, the aggregation response is significantly decreased on addition or normal plasma. Analaysis by gel electrophoresis of such platelets when stained for carbohydrate revealed a decrease in the relative amounts of membrane glycopro-eins. Chymotrypsin-treated normal platelets had less membrane glycoproteins in addition to giving a reduced aggregation response in ristocetin-induced aggregation. Staining of gels for protein and carbohydrate indicated that there was an extensive change in the surface of Bernard-Soulier platelets, whereas those from patients with von Willebrand's disease appeared the same as normal. Platelets from patients were labeled by the lactoperoxidase iodination technique. Not only was the relative intensity of staining of platelet-specific proteins and glycoproteins changed in Bernard-Soulier platelets, but the iodination of the glycoproteins on the membrane surface relative to other membrane constituents was lower. In contrast, platelets from patients with von Willebrand's disease showed a normal exposure of membrane components. These data suggest therefore that membrane glycoproteins may play a functional role in ristocetin-induced aggregation.
C S Jenkins, D R Phillips, K J Clemetson, D Meyer, M J Larrieu, E F Lüscher
A study was undertaken of patients on a regimen of total parenteral nutrition comparing the nitrogen balance, energy substrates, blood amino acids, immunoreactive insulin, and immunoreactive glucagon levels during the sequential infusion of nonprotein calories as either glucose alone (glucose system) or 83% as Intralipid (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Montreal, Canada) and 17% glucose (lipid system). These nonprotein calories were administered with a constant background of amino acids (1 g/kg per day), vitamins, and minerals. Each system was infused for a week at a time and the order of infusion randomized. In some patients whole blood arteriovenous (A-V) levels of amino acids were measured across forearm muscle. During the glucose system there was a significantly higher level of pyruvate, lactate, alanine, and immunoreactive insulin, consistent with glucose being the principal source of energy. In contrast, during the lipid system there was a rise in free fatty acids and ketone bodies with a fall in insulin, suggesting that lipid was now the principal source of energy. Despite these two very diverse metabolic situations the nitrogen balance with both systems was positive to a comparable degree after the establishment of equilibrium. Correspondingly, A-V differences of whole blood amino acid nitrogen showed uptake by muscle to an equivalent degree with both systems. Clinical studies indicated that the lipid system as defined herein could be infused by peripheral vein for up to 43 days with resultant weight gain, elevation of serum proteins, and healing of fistulae. Our studies suggest that for both metabolic and clinical reasons exogenously infused lipid is a suitable source of nonprotein calories.
K N Jeejee hoy, G H Anderson, A F Nakhooda, G R Greenberg, I Sanderson, E B Marliss
Long-term studies (32-49 wk) of the turnover of plasma cholesterol were conducted in 24 subjects. Eight subjects were normilipidemic, six had hypercholesterolemia, eight had hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia, and two had hypertriglyceridemia alone. 10 of the hyperlipidemic patients had a definite familial disorder. In all subjects (except one for whom complete data were not available), the same three-pool model previously described gave the best fit for the data. The parameters of the three-pool model observed in the normal subjects were compared with the model parameters found in the patients with the different kinds of hyperlipidemia. In addition, single and multiple regression analyses were conducted to explore the relationships between the model parameters and various physiological variables, including age, body size, and serum lipid concentrations. Using this approach, significant differences between groups, or correlations with serum lipid levels were seen for several parameters of the three-pool model: the production rate (PR); the size of the rapidly exchanging pool 1 (M1); all estimates of the size of the most slowly equilibrating pool 3 (M3); and the rate constant k21. The PR in normal subjects (1.14 +/- 0.19 g/day, mean +/- SD) was not significantly different from that found in patients with hypercholesterolemia, with or without hypertriglyceridemia. The major determinant of cholesterol PR was overall body size, expressed either as total body weight or as surface area. The correlations between PR and indices of adiposity (percent ideal weight and excess weight), although statistically significant, were much weaker in this nonobese population. After adjustment for body size variation, cholesterol PR was not correlated with the serum cholesterol concentration but was probably (P less than 0.05) correlated with the triglyceride concentration. When the two patients with very high triglyceride concentrations were excluded, however, no correlation was observed between adjusted PR and triglyceride level. It is probable that hypertriglyceridemic patients represent a heterogeneous population, in which the majority do not show increased cholesterol PR. M1 was correlated with all body size variables, but most strongly with excess weight. After adjusting for the effects of body size, M1 was also correlated and triglyceride. Major differences were found in the relationships between the physiological variables and the sizes of pools 2 and 3. M2 was correlated neither with any of the indices of body size or adiposity, nor with the serum levels of either cholesterol or triglyceride. In contrast, all estimates of M3 were correlated with indices of adiposity (but not of overall body size) and with the serum cholesterol concentration. Thus, the amount of cholesterol in slowly equilibrating tissue sites appears to particularly increase with elevations of the serum cholesterol level. The results also confirm previous data that adipose tissue cholesterol is an important part of pool 3.
F R Smith, R B Dell, R P Noble, D S Goodman
Human lymphocytes are known to posessess a catecholamine-responsive adenylate cyclase which has typical beta-adrenergic specificity. To identify directly and to quantitate these beta-adenergic receptors in human lymphocytes, (-) [3H] alprenolol, a potent beta-adrenergic antagonist, was used to label binding sites in homogenates of human mononuclear leukocytes. Binding of (-) [3H] alprenolol to these sites demonstrated the kinetics, affinity, and stereospecificity expected of binding to adenylate cyclase-coupled beta-adrenergic receptors. Binding was rapid (t1/2 less than 30 s) and rapidly reversible (t1/2 less than 3 min) at 37 degrees C. Binding was a saturable process with 75 +/- 12 fmol (-) [3H] alprenolol bound/mg protein (mean +/- SEM) at saturation, corresponding to about 2,000 sites/cell. Half-maximal saturation occurred at 10 nM (-) [3H] alprenolol, which provides an estimate of the dissociation constant of (-) [3H] alprenolol for the beta-adrenergic receptor. The beta-adrenergic antagonist, (-) propranolol, potently competed for the binding sites, causing half-maximal inhibition of binding at 9 nM. beta-Adrenergic agonists also competed for the binding sites. The order of potency was (-) isoproterenol greater than (-) epinephrine greater than (-)-norepinephrine which agreed with the order of potency of these agents in stimulating leukocyte adenylate cyclase. Dissociation constants computed from binding experiments were virtually identical to those obtained from adenylate cyclase activation studies. Marked stereospecificity was observed for both binding and activation of adenylate cyclase. (-)Stereoisomers of beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists were 9- to 300-fold more potent than their corresponding (+) stereoisomers. Structurally related compounds devoid of beta-adrenergic activity such as dopamine, dihydroxymandelic acid, normetanephrine, pyrocatechol, and phentolamine did not effectively compete for the binding sites. (-) [3H] alprenolol binding to human mononuclear leukocyte preparations was almost entirely accounted for by binding to small lymphocytes, the predominant cell type in the preparations. No binding was detectable to human erythrocytes. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using direct binding methods to study beta-adrenergic receptors in a human tissue. They also provide an experimental approach to the study of states of altered sensitivity to catecholamines at the receptor level in man.
L T Williams, R Snyderman, R J Lefkowitz
In vivo skin testing and in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis were evaluated in a young adult population as methods for detecting cellular immunity to Sporotrichum schenckii. Similar procedures for Candida albicans and Coccidioides immitis were also investigated. 5 of 143 subjects had positive skin tests and 14 had positive blastogenic responses to S. schenckii. These 14 subjects also exhibited unusually high responses to C. albicans in vitro and 11 of the 14 were female. Data demonstrated a correlation coefficient of 0.89 when comparing the blastogenic assays for S. schenckii and C. albicans, suggesting cross antigenicity. Intact cellular immune mechanisms in combination with exposure to C. albicans may protect the host from systemic infection with S. schenckii. Although a limited number of subjects were studied, as a group, females had more vigorous cellular immune responses to C. albicans than males. The rare occurence of sporothrix infection in females as compared to males may be the result of antigenic stimulation from commonly observed vaginal colonization with C. albicans. The present data indirectly support this hypothesis.
R W Steele, P B Cannady Jr, W L Moore Jr, L O Gentry
The possibility has been explored that decreases of adenylate cyclase may explain diminished hormone sensitivity of adipose tissue with aging. Isolated cells were prepared from epididymal fat pads of rats 1-, 2-, 6-, 12-, and 24-mo old, fixed in OSO4, and sized and counted with a Coulter apparatus. Adenylate cyclase was assayed in cell membranes (ghosts) using [alpha-32P] ATP as substrate and expressed as cyclic [32P] AMP/10 min per mg protein or per 10(6) cells. Enzyme activity was determined for the basal state and in the presence of varying concentrations of glucagon, ACTH, epinephrine, and fluoride. Basal activity per cell increased in threefold between 1 and 2 mo with a comparable increase in cell surface area, suggesting synthesis of enzyme along with new cell membrane. Although epinephrine stimulated adenylate cyclase 8-fold and fluoride 12-fold throughout the life-span of the rat, stimulated activity paralleled basal levels, decreasing 60% between 2 and 24 mo per mg protein and 40% between 6 and 24 mo per cell. Glucagon stimulated adenylate cyclase 4.5-fold relative to basal in the 1-mo-old rat, but its effect then rapidly decreased and was absent by 12 mo. The fourfold stimulation by ACTH noted in the 1-mo-old animals decreased gradually with age but was still twice basal at 24 mo. Since no significant change of cell size occurred after 6 mo, diminished hormone sensitivity with senescence cannot be related to cell size. Similar age-related patterns of hormonal activation were evoked by 5'-guanylyl-imidodiphosphate [GMP-P(NH)P], a nucleotide analogue which increased both basal- and hormone-activated enzyme at all ages studied. Dose-response curves to hormones, fluoride, and GMP-P (NH)P were not affected by age. High Mg++ (50 mM) in the presence of GMP-P-(NH)P stimulated adenylate cyclase to levels greater than with fluoride, but a similar loss of activity with aging was still observed. Loss of hormone receptors may partially explain the age-related decreases of glucagon and ACTH-sensitive adenylate cyclase, but decreased basal-, epinephrine-, fluoride-, and GMP-P-(NH) P-stimulated responses suggest loss of the catalytic component of the adenylate cyclase enzyme complex in the aging fat cell membranes.
B Cooper, R I Gregerman
A sensitivie and simple procedure for the detection and quantitation of soluble complement (C)- fixing immune complexes in sera of patients with various disease states has been developed by utilizing C receptors on Raji cells. These cells lack membrane-bound immunoglobulin but have receptors for IgG Fc, C3b, C3d, and possibly with other C proteins. Uptake experiments showed that both aggregated human gamma globulin (AHG) and 7S IgG bound to receptors for IgG Fc; however, AHG reacted with C bound to cells only via receptors for C and this binding was much more efficient than via IgG Fc receptors. AHG was used as an in vitro model of human immune complexes and its uptake by Raji cells was quantitated by 125I-radiolabeled antihuman IgG. The limit of sensitivity of this test was 6 mug AHG/ml serum. The ability of Raji cells to detect AHG in serum depended on the amount of radioactive antibody used and the size of aggregates. The presence of an excess of C somewhat inhibited binding of AHG containing C to Raji cells. The efficient binding of AHG by receptors for C on Raji cells was used for the detection and quantitation of immune complexes in human sera. Raji cells were incubated with sera to be tested and then reacted with excess radiolabeled antihuman IgG; the amount of radioactivity bound to the washed cells was determined and referred to a standard curve of radioactive antibody uptake by cells previously incubated with increasing amounts of AHG in serum. Thereby immune complexes were detected and quantitated in serum hepatitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, dengue hemorrhagic fever, and malignancies.
A N Theofilopoulos, C B Wilson, F J Dixon
We investigated the mechanism of taurinuria in three inbred strains of mice: A/J, a normal taurine excretor (taut+); and two hypertaurinuric (taut-) strains, C57BL/6J and PRO/Re. Plasma taurine is comparable in the three strains (approximately 0.5 mM), but taurinuria is 10-fold greater in taut- animals. Fractional reabsorption of taurine is 0.967 +/- 0.013 (mean +/- SD) in A/J); and 0.839 +/- 0.08 and 0.787 +/- 0.05 in C57BL/6J and PRO/Re, respectively. Taurine concentration in renal cortex intracellular fluid (free of urine contamination) is similar in the three strains. Taurine reabsorption is inhibited by beta-alanine, in taut+ and taut- strains. These in vivo findings reveal residual taurine transport activity in the taut- phenotype and no evidence for impaired efflux at basilar membranes as the cause of impaired taurine reabsorption. Cortex slices provide information about uptake of amino acids at the antiluminal membrane. Taurine behaves as an inert metabolite in mouse kidney cortex slices. Taurine uptake by slices is active and, at less than 1 mM, is greater than normal in taut- slices. Concentration-dependent uptake studies reveal more than one taurine carrier in taut+ and taut- strains. The apparent Km values for uptake below 1 mM are different in taut- and taut+ slices (approximately 0.2 mM and approximately 0.7 mM, respectively); the apparent Km values above 1 mM taurine are similar in taut+ and taut- slices. Efflux from slices in all strains in the same (0.0105-0.0113 mumol-min-1-g-1 wet wt), but taut- tissue retains about 10% more radioactivity over the period of efflux. beta-Alanine is actively metabolized in mouse kidney. Its uptake in the presence of blocked transamination, is greater; its intracellular oxidation is attenuated; and its exchange with intracellular taurine is diminished in taut- slices. These findings indicate impaired beta-amino acid permeation on a low-Km uptake system at the luminal membrane in the taut- phenotype. beta-Amino acids are not reclaimed efficiently either from the innermost luminal pool in cortex slices or from the ultrafiltrate in the tubule lumen in vivo. The former leads to high uptake ratios in vitro, the latter to high clearance rates in vivo. In vitro and in vivo data are thus concordant. This is the first time that a hereditary defect in amino acid transport has been assigned to a specific membrane surface in mammalian kidney.
R W Chesney, C R Scriver, F Mohyuddin
The serum antitoxin response to the cytotoxin contained in preparations of Shigella dysenteriae 1 (Shiga's bacillus) exotoxin was studied in natural and experimental infections of man. Natural infection resulted in the rapid appearance of toxin-neutralizing antibody, which disappeared some time between 9 and 18 mo after infection. Experimental infection of human volunteers provided the opportunity to study immunoglobulin class of the antibody in sera obtained serially from 7 to 50 days after infection. Neutralizing antibody was present only in the IgM fraction isolated by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. This was confirmed by the use of solid-phase immunoaffinity chromatography. Even though the time-course and immunoglobulin class of the antitoxin antibody response was similar to that previously observed for anti-O polysaccharide antibody, the biologically active cytotoxin was shown to be highly susceptible to destruction by proteolytic enzymes. Sera from subjects infected with a virulent invasive chlorate-resistant Shiga mutant thought to be "nontoxigenic" also contained antibody which was similarly restricted to the IgM fraction. Biologically active cytotoxin was recovered when this mutant organism was grown in liquid media with controlled ion concentration. The mutant cytotoxin was heat labile, neutralized by antiwild-type cytotoxin antibody, and was separable by isoelectric focusing into two fractions with pI 7.2 and 6.1 like the wild-type toxin. These studies show that cytotoxin antigen is produced during in vivo infection with Shiga bacilli, resulting in a serum antitoxin antibody response. Without explanation is the restriction of the antibody to the IgM class and lack of evidence for an IgG antibody to the protein cytotoxin. Finally, mutant strain 725, previously designated "nontoxigenic," was shown to produce biologically active cytotoxin in vitro and, in experimentally infected volunteers, to result in a serum IgM antibody similar to that observed during infection with the wild-type strain.
G T Keusch, M Jacewicz, M M Levine, R B Hornick, S Kochwa
We have studied the interaction of radiolabeled complement components with normal human platelets, platelets from a patient with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, and rabbit platelets in the absence of known complement activators or in the presence of cobra venom factor (CVF). When unwashed platelets in platelet-rich plasma, or washed platelets suspended in serum or autologous plasma, were incubated for 30 min, C3 and terminal components (C5, C8, and C9) were found to bind to them. The terminal components were shown to be bound as the C5-9 complex, rather than as individual proteins, by eluting them from the platelet membrane and examining their behavior on ultracentrifugation. They cosedimented at a rate characteristic of the stable C5-9 complex (22S). As many as 370-1,380 C5-9 complexes/platelet were calculated to have been bound during the incubation period. The complex so formed did not differ by ultracentrifugational criteria from that binding to rabbit platelets after CVF activation of complement. Though C3 was not included in the complex, it did not appear to be bound by nonspecific absorption. It could not be removed by washing but rather was eluted by the freeze-thaw technique used to elute the C5-9 complex. Incubation of radiolabeled components in platelet-free plasma did not result in C5-9 complex formation, indicating an initiating role for platelets in this reaction. In contrast to platelets, erythrocytes incubated in analogous plasma did not induce detectable C5-9 formation. Neither EDTA, phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride, nor epsilon-amino-N-caproic acid prevented platelet-initiated formation of C5-9, suggesting that the reaction may involve mechanisms of complement activation not previously described.
T S Zimmerman, W P Kolb
61 biopsies of normal skin from the deltoid area and lesional skin from various sites from 48 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were studied for the presence of properdin, C3, C4, and immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, and IgA) in the dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ) using direct and indirect immunofluorescence. Properdin was present in 50% of normal and 40% of lesional skins. Properdin was present without C4 in only 2 of 38 nonlesional skin biopsies and in only 2 of 20 lesions. There was no significant difference in incidence of deposition of any of the six proteins studied between nonlesional and lesional skin. The frequency of deposition of each of the proteins correlated with clinical disease activity. The presence of proteins in the DEJ did not correlate with the presence of active renal disease at the time of biopsy nor with previously documented active nephritis. In addition, no other single clinical manifestation correlated with the presence of DEJ deposition of any protein studied. IgA was not demonstrated in the DEJ of nonlesional skin of 16 patients in remission and was present in 7 of 23 patients with active disease (P less than 0.05). Deposition of properdin in lesional skin correlated with the presence of extracutaneous disease activity (P less than 0.05). Analysis of serologic studies on serum obtained at the time of biopsy revealed a statistically significant correlation between C4 and C3 (r = 0.67). This correlation was stronger than that between properdin and C4 (r = 0.37). Titer of antinuclear antibody and percent of DNA binding correlated better with C4 levels than with properdin levels. Serum properdin levels were significantly lower in patients with active disease than in those in remission (P less than 0.05). Serum properdin levels were significantly lower in patients with properdin deposits in lesional skin than in those without properdin deposits. The data suggest that both alternative and classical pathways are activated in patients with clinically active SLE.
M A Schrager, N F Rothfield
Studies of the family of a patient with marked deficiency of the third component of complement (C3) demonstrated that the patient was homozygous for a blank allele at the C3 locus, C3-. Metabolic studies with purified radiolabeled C3 in the patient revealed a mildly elevated fractional catabolic rate and a markedly reduced synthesis rate, consistent with a lack of C3 synthesis as the patient's primary defect. There was also a mild increase in the rate of conversion of purified C3 added to her serum and incubated at 37 degrees C in vitro. Major blood group-compatible erythrocytes from a patient with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria had the same shortened survival in the C3-deficient patient as in a normal control. Although no leukocytosis developed in the patient in spontaneous infection by pyogenic organisms, there was a normal leukocytosis in response to the injection of thyphoid vaccine. The intradermal injection of C-1s, which produces a marked increase in vasopermeability in the skin of normal subjects, produced no definite change in the patient, possibly implicating C3 or a protein in the alternative pathway as the normal mediator of this response. The patient's serum exhibited near-normal immune adherence activity, confirming the lack of requirement of C3 for this function. C5 inactivation and passive hemolysis of unsensitized guinea pig erythrocytes occurred normally in C3-deficient serum on incubation with cobra venom factor, indicating that C3 is not required for these reactions. The patient's humoral antibody response to both protein and carbohydrate antigens was entirely normal, making it unlikely that C3 is required for antigen processing.
C A Alper, H R Colten, J S Gear, A R Rabson, F S Rosen
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the regulation of insulin biosynthesis during the perinatal period. The incorporation of [3H]leucine into total immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and into IRI fractions was measured by a specific immunoprecipitation procedure after incubation, extraction, and gel filtration in isolated 3-day-old rat pancreases without prior isolation of islets. IRI fractions were identified by their elution profile, their immunological properties, and their ability to compete with the binding of 125 I-insulin in rat liver plasma membranes. No specific incorporation of [3H]leucine was found in the IRI eluted in the void volume, making it unlikely that this fraction behaves as a precursor of (pro) insulin in this system. In all conditions tested, the incorporation of [3H]leucine was linearly correlated with time. Optimal concentration of glucose (11 mM) activated six- to sevenfold the [3H]leucine incorporation into IRI. Theophylline or N6O2-dibutyryl- (db) cAMP at 1.6 mM glucose significantly increased the [3H]leucine incorporation. Glucose at 16.7 mM further enhanced the effect of both drugs. Contrarily, somatostatin (1-10 mug/ml) inhibits the rate of [3H]leucine incorporation into IRI in the presence of 11 mM glucose; this effect was observed at 5.5 mM glucose and was not modified by any further increase in glucose concentrations up to 27.5 mM. Theophylline or dbcAMP at 10 mM concentration did not reverse the somatostatin inhibitory effect on either insulin biosynthesis or release. Somatostatin also inhibited both processes in isolated islets from the 3-day-old rat pancreas. High Ca++ concentration in the incubation medium reversed the inhibitory effect of somatostatin on glucose-induced insulin biosynthesis as well as release. In both systems the inhibitory effect of somatostatin on insulin biosynthesis and release correlated well. Glipizide (10-100 muM) AND TOLBUTAMIDE (400 MUM) inhibited the stimulatory effect of glucose, dbcAMP, and theophylline on [3H]leucine incorporation into IRI. The concentrations of glipizide that were effective in inhibiting [3H]leucine incorporation into IRI were smaller than those required to inhibit the phosphodiesterase activity in isolated islets of 3-day-old rat pancreas. These data suggest the following conclusions: (a) the role of the cAMP-phosphodiesterase system on insulin biosynthesis is likely to be greater in newborns than in adults; (b) the greater effectiveness of glucose and the cAMP system on insulin biosynthesis than on insulin release might possibly be related to the rapid accumulation of pancreatic IRI which is observed in the perinatal period; (c) somatostatin, by direct interaction with the endocrine tissue, can inhibit glucose and cAMP-induced insulin biosynthesis as well as release; calcium reverses this inhibition; (d) sulfonylureas inhibit insulin biosynthesis in newborn rat pancreas an effect which has to be considered in the use of these agents in human disease.
S D Garcia, C Jarrousse, G Rosselin