Inorganic phosphate (Pi) reabsorption was studied during Pi infusion, after acute or chronic thyroparathyroidectomy (TPTX), in rats stabilized on a high-phosphorus (1% P) or a low-phosphorus (0.02% P) diet. After acute TPTX, there were no consistent differences in Pi reabsorption between the high- and low-phosphorus dietary groups. After chronic TPTX, the rats stabilized on the low-phosphorus diet exhibited nearly complete Pi reabsorption at every plasma Pi level, while the animals receiving the high-phosphorus diet manifested a marked phosphaturic response to Pi infusion. In addition, Pi reabsorption was significantly increased in the chronic TPTX low-phosphorus rats which achieved the highest filtered Pi loads, while their urine remained essentially phosphate-free. Dietary phosphorus-dependent alterations in Pi reabsorption may play a significant role in establishing the rate of Pi excretion per nephron under certain circumstances and should be considered in the interpretation of studies investigating renal Pi handling. The ability of phosphorus-depleted animals to maintain a phosphate-free urine during Pi loading would favor the rapid repletion of body phosphorus stores.
T H Steele, H F DeLuca
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