Vanishing white matter (VWM) is a fatal leukodystrophy that is caused by mutations in genes encoding subunits of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B (eIF2B). Disease onset and severity are codetermined by genotype. White matter astrocytes and oligodendrocytes are almost exclusively affected; however, the mechanisms of VWM development remain unclear. Here, we used VWM mouse models, patients’ tissue, and cell cultures to investigate whether astrocytes or oligodendrocytes are the primary affected cell type. We generated 2 mouse models with mutations (
Stephanie Dooves, Marianna Bugiani, Nienke L. Postma, Emiel Polder, Niels Land, Stephen T. Horan, Anne-Lieke F. van Deijk, Aleid van de Kreeke, Gerbren Jacobs, Caroline Vuong, Jan Klooster, Maarten Kamermans, Joke Wortel, Maarten Loos, Lisanne E. Wisse, Gert C. Scheper, Truus E.M. Abbink, Vivi M. Heine, Marjo S. van der Knaap