Activation and accumulation of cardiac fibroblasts, which result in excessive extracellular matrix deposition and consequent mechanical stiffness, myocyte uncoupling, and ischemia, are key contributors to heart failure progression. Recently, endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT) and the recruitment of circulating hematopoietic progenitors to the heart have been reported to generate substantial numbers of cardiac fibroblasts in response to pressure overload–induced injury; therefore, these processes are widely considered to be promising therapeutic targets. Here, using multiple independent murine Cre lines and a collagen1a1-
Thomas Moore-Morris, Nuno Guimarães-Camboa, Indroneal Banerjee, Alexander C. Zambon, Tatiana Kisseleva, Aurélie Velayoudon, William B. Stallcup, Yusu Gu, Nancy D. Dalton, Marta Cedenilla, Rafael Gomez-Amaro, Bin Zhou, David A. Brenner, Kirk L. Peterson, Ju Chen, Sylvia M. Evans
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