Defective protein–protein interactions of ICD CD95 mutant
alleles. (a) ICD CD95 mutant alleles fail to recruit FADD to the CD95 death
domain. 293T cells were cotransfected with pCDNA3 expression vectors for WT
or mutant CD95 and Flag-FADD in pFlag-CMV-2. Transfected cells were lysed
and subjected to IP-Western blot using the antibodies indicated in the
figure. The trace signals of WT CD95 in lanes P1, P5, and P10 are due to
slight spillover from adjacent lanes and were not seen when these mutants
were run separately. (b) The dominant–negative action of ICD mutant CD95 is
dose-dependent. 293T cells were transiently cotransfected with expression
vectors for Flag-FADD and WT or P10 mutant CD95. Transfections were carried
out using constant amounts of total DNA (4 μg) using the pCDNA
vector DNA, WT CD95 (0.5 μg) and Flag-FADD (0.5 μg)
DNA, but the amount of DNA for the ICD mutant P10, was increased between
experiments (lanes 4–6; + [0.5
μg] to +++
[1.5 μg]). The total amount of DNA
transfected was kept constant. Transfected cells were lysed and analyzed by
immunoprecipitation followed by Western blotting using the antibodies
indicated. IP, immunoprecipitation.