Targeted inactivation of the rap1b gene. (A) The
murine rap1b gene consists of 6 coding (bands) and 1
untranslated exon (3′ UTR, open box). (B) The targeting
vector contains 7.8 kb of genomic DNA flanking the neomycin-resistance cassette
(neo). TK, thymidine kinase. (C) After
homologous recombination, the neo cassette replaces the
complete coding sequence of the rap1b gene. (D)
Southern blot analysis of mouse tail DNA from heterozygous intercrosses digested
with SspI and KpnI using a probe (P) that
detects 5.5-kb and 9-kb fragments in the wild-type and knockout allele,
respectively. (E) Western blot analysis of protein expression in
platelets of indicated genotype. (F) Morphology of E15.5 wild-type
(+/+) and Rap1b-null (–/–)
embryos. Scale bar: 1 mm. E, EcoRI; H,
HinDIII; K, KpnI; S,