Foxp3-expressing Tregs employ multiple suppressive mechanisms to curtail conventional T cell (Tconv) responses and establish tissue homeostasis. How Foxp3 coordinates Treg contact–dependent suppressive function is not fully resolved. In this issue of the JCI, Wang and colleagues revealed that Foxp3-mediated inhibition of ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) led to strong Treg-DC interactions and enhanced immunosuppression. RyR2 depletion in Tconvs phenocopied this effect and equipped Tconvs with Treg-like suppressive function in multiple inflammatory or autoimmune contexts. This study provides molecular and therapeutic insights underlying how cell-cell contact limits immune reactivity.
Erienne G. Norton, Nicole M. Chapman, Hongbo Chi
RyR2 controls the binding dynamics of Tregs and Tconvs with DCs and its inhibition facilitates immune suppression.