Metabolic marker changes and thioperamide activity. (a) Expression of UCP genes in BAT, WAT, and skeletal muscle total RNA. Specific probes for each UCP were used, and GAPDH served as an internal control. Densitometry measurements on each band are shown as wild-type littermate control normalized by GAPDH. +/+, H3+/+ mice; –/–, H3–/– mice. (b) Thioperamide activity in H3+/+ and H3–/– mice in NPY-induced feeding. Thioperamide was administered intracerebroventricularly into 20- to 30-week-old male mice. Food intake was measured at 2-hour intervals in mice under ad libitum feeding conditions (n = 9, *P < 0.05). White bars indicate NPY/saline and black bars, NPY/thioperamide.