Sophie Lanone, Tao Zheng, Zhou Zhu, Wei Liu, Chun Geun Lee, Bing Ma, Qingsheng Chen, Robert J. Homer, Jingming Wang, Lesley A. Rabach, Morgan E. Rabach, J. Michael Shipley, Steven D. Shapiro, Robert M. Senior, Jack A. Elias
IL-13 regulation of lung MMPs and cathepsins. CC10-rtTA-IL-13 transgene– and transgene+ mice with wild-type and null MMP-9 loci (a, c, and e) or MMP-12 loci (b, d, and f) were placed on dox water at 1 month of age. After an additional month on this regimen, the levels of mRNA encoding the noted MMPs (a and b), lung lysate MMP protein levels (c and d), and the levels of mRNA encoding the noted cathepsins (e and f) were evaluated via RT-PCR and immunoblot analysis as described in Methods.