Research Article Free access | 10.1172/JCI117542
Department of Physiology, Shreveport 71130.
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Published November 1, 1994 - More info
Clostridium difficile toxin A (Tx-A) mediates secretion and inflammation in experimental enterocolitis. Intravital video microscopy was used to define the mechanisms that underlie the inflammatory reactions elicited by direct exposure of the microvasculature to Tx-A. Leukocyte adherence and emigration, leukocyte-platelet aggregation, and extravasation of FITC-albumin were monitored in rat mesenteric venules exposed to Tx-A. Significant increases in leukocyte adherence and emigration (LAE) and albumin leakage were noted within 15-30 min of Tx-A exposure. These responses were accompanied by mast cell degranulation and the formation of platelet-leukocyte aggregates. The Tx-A-induced increases in LAE and albumin leakage were significantly attenuated by pretreatment with either monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against the leukocyte adhesion glycoproteins, CD11/CD18, intercellular adhesion molecule-1, and P-selectin (but not E-selectin) or with sialyl Lewis x, a counter-receptor for P-selectin. The mast cell stabilizer, lodoxamide, an H1- (but not an H2-) receptor antagonist, and diamine oxidase (histaminase) were also effective in reducing the LAE and albumin leakage elicited by Tx-A. The platelet-leukocyte aggregation response was blunted by an mAb against P-selectin, sialyl Lewis x, and the H1-receptor antagonist. These observations indicate that Tx-A induces a leukocyte-dependent leakage of albumin from postcapillary venules. Mast cell-derived histamine appears to mediate at least part of the leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion and platelet-leukocyte aggregation by engaging H1-receptors on endothelial cells and platelets to increase the expression of P-selectin. The adhesion glycoproteins CD11/CD18 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 also contribute to the inflammatory responses elicited by toxin A.